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I woke up this morning and made breakfast. I sat down and ate while watching tv. I got a text from tray brother "hey I need to talk to you. I haven't seen tray in a few days and I'm worried."

"OMG where could he be? I've been calling him but no answer. When was the last time you seen him?" I said.

"At my house but he had left out to hang out with some friends." He said.

"Where did they go?" I said.

"Out to eat but I thought he was coming back. He's never gone this long." He said.

I immediately got a phone call.

Alex said " he's never gone this long. I don't know where he could be.."

"I know it sounds strange... I'm going to call the police. Why would he just leave and don't show back up?" I said.

"Yes I'm going to call the police too and make a missing report. His phone is going straight to voicemail." He said and hung up.

I got up and went to the police station fast. It only took me 15 minutes to get there. I ran in and said he need to make a missing report. My husband has been gone for a few days and I told them everyone that has happened.

"I don't know why he didn't come back home. It's strange office and we need to find him. I was crying and confused. I know he needed space but not that long.

I went home and the police office said they would start the search tomorrow morning. If they needed more information they would come by and ask. I was so scared, what if something happened to him. My hurt was hurting and I was so upset now. I called everyone and told them what was going on. Alex his brother and cousins came over to stay with me. We all decided to stay close together.

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