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I haven't heard from tray in a couple of months and I'm starting to think he doesn't care about me anymore . I checked his social media and it seems like he's living his best life without me. I can't help but wonder about what he's doing when I'm not around . I tried calling him several times but no answer. I tried going to his brother house to see him but he was gone. This is really starting to bother me.

I noticed my body hadn't been the same and I've been feeling sick off and on. I'm starting to think that I may be pregnant. Apart of me hopes not because I don't want to raise another child alone. It's so hard and I've already struggled taking care of my two daughters. I pray that God helps me make the right decision. I have to take care of the house and pay all the bills. I have to work and care for my two girls. It's hard waking up every morning doing this by myself.

I'm going to continue to reach out and try my best to work things out. I don't want to be heartbroken and lonely. I don't want to lose anyone else. I have a past that I don't want to go back to. I'm praying for a change to come because I need my life to be put back together. I deserve better and I want a better life.

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