Car Accident

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I was in the living room watching tv and I received a phone call saying Tray got into an car accident. My heart dropped and I was devastated. I rushed to the hospital and I seen some of his family and friends their. They hurried over to me and hugged me. They were trying to explain what had happened but I was still confused.

Tray was only supposed to go to work and come back home. I knew he should have stayed home. He should have never left and now my heart is breaking. I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. I couldn't lose my husband. I just sat there and looked at everyone. I needed some answers.

"So what really happened?" I asked.
"He left work and after we were going to hang out." Alex his coworker said.
"Yeah we were going to have dinner and talk." A girl named Sarah said.
"Why do that when you know it's a weekday and he has a family?" I said
"I don't know what we were thinking. It was a quick decision." Alex said.
"This is unbelievable, I'm his wife and i told him to come straight home." I said upset.

The doctors came in and asked for his close relatives.

"Yes I'm his wife Kim." I said.

"He is in critical condition, he's on life support. He has a broken arm, leg and we did surgery. We tried the best we could. I'm so sorry." The doctor said.

"How long do you think he has?" I said

"We are not sure but you can see him." The doctor said.

"Thank you so much." I began to follow the doctor and stopped when someone asked.

"Can I come too, I want to see him." The girl Sarah asked

"Absolutely not, only his family. Who are you?" The doctor asked.

"I'm a close friend." She said

"Oh really, I never met you until now. Tray is a married man. There should be no reason for you to be so close with him. I'm his wife. " I said.

I walked to the room tray was in and ordered only close relatives to see him. I just sat there and looked at him. I felt so hurt because I didn't know if I'll see him talk and walk again. I spoke to him and told him I loved him and I pray things get better. I was so broken and my life going down hill. I stayed their until the next day. I didn't want to go home without him. I wish things could go back to normal.

His brother told me to go home and get some rest. I listened and went home. I went home to a house that was empty. There was no sound and smell. I hated that this had happened. I took a shower and go in our bed. It was hard for me to fall asleep. I was so worried and scared about him. How was I going to live my life without him. I just sat back and prayed. I thought about all the good memories. He was the best thing that had happened to me.

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