TVD: S2E28 - Plan B

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Alexis' POV

It's been three days since the park incident. Caroline texted me earlier saying she'd be able to bring her mother home tonight. I wished her luck when Jeremy knocks on my door. "What's up?" I ask him as I put my phone down.

"I want to go tell Damon what we found out about Tyler" he states.

"Ok, we should go now. Before Elena stops us" I tell him. He nods his head and I grab my car keys. We leave and I drive us to the boarding house. We knock on the door and Damon opens it.

"I need to talk to you" Jeremy tells him.

"And why do I need to talk to you?" Damon asks him. He goes to close the door, but Jeremy stops him.

"Tyler Lockwood has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet" I tell him.

"Wow, fascinating. Not enough" he tells me.

"But Mason Lockwood is and he's looking for a moonstone, a special rock connected to the werewolf legend. That's why he's here" Jeremy explains.

"A moonstone?" Damon asks intrigued.

"White smooth stone the size of a hokey puck" I tell him shrugging. I still don't know what's so important about it.

"And we know where it is" Jeremy adds.

"And you're bringing me this why?" Damon asks us.

"Do we need a reason?" I ask him.

"I just want to help, okay" Jeremy tells him.

"What does Elena say about this little discovery?" Damon asks us. But we both remain silent. "Oh, you haven't told her, have you?" he asks us smirking.

"She doesn't want Jeremy involved" I tell him shrugging.

"And he's a Gilbert and he just can't help himself. Wow. Your search for life's purpose is as obvious as it is tragic" Damon states.

"You going to let us in or not?" Jeremy asks him. Damon steps aside and we enter the house. He shuts the door behind us.

"Alexis send a message to Ric, tell him to come" Damon tells me. I roll my eyes, but do so. We all go to the parlor to wait for him. We don't wait long until Alaric arrives and enters the room.

"What are you doing here?" he asks Jeremy.

"Helping Damon, I found out about the moonstone" Jeremy answers. Alaric looks at Damon and I, we just shrug. Alaric looks back at Jeremy.

"Does Elena know you're here?" he asks.

"Not exactly" Jeremy says.

"What you got?" Damon asks diverting Alaric's attention away from Jeremy. Alaric went and got a box of files/books.

"This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me" Alaric states. Damon takes out a book looking at it.

"Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie" Damon says smirking. Alaric takes the book off him.

"Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" Alaric asks. Oh yeah Elena mentioned something about a curse.

"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah" Damon says bored.

"An Aztec curse? Cool" Jeremy says smiling.

"An Egyptian curse would be cooler" I tell him.

"Supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun" Alaric explains. Damon wiggles his fingers, showing his daylight ring.

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