Chapter 66.

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Amber's POV.

Connor decided to head to the pack house with Amelia. I told him that he's part of the family and he said he knows, but wants it to just be the four of us for now.

Amelia agreed. Connor is far to sweet for his own good. I love him more then words can saw.

' I love him too. ' exclaims my wolf.

I grin. My wolf loves him just as much as I do. Probably more because she sensed him first before me.

' It was your own instinct that led you into the woods that day. Not me. ' says my wolf.

' I thought you led me to him while o was busy being angry?' I say back.

' Nope, it was all you Amber. You could have run anywhere, but you picked the woods. You could have picked anyway to go, but you picked the way that led to him. I just sensed him and alerted you when we got close. The rest was you. ' says my wolf.

I smile at that thought. I love my talks with my wolf. I walk into the house through the back door around the same time my father and John walk through the front door.

We look at each other and start laughing. Then we see a card game set up on the table. Uno.

I love that game. We take our seats and my mom comes down from up stairs with her bag of supplies.

She sets it down and comes to join us at the table. " You always have the right idea of what to do to kill time. " says my father looking at her with a look of adoration.

I smile and look at John. He smiles back at me. " John has wowed the new Alpha's here. " says my father.

I look at him. " I knew they'd like you. " I said.

" I knew they would too. I offered for John to become Bète and he turned it down. " says my father.

" What!! Why? " I say.

" I don't feel ready. Somethings telling me it would be a bad choice to accept the position of Bète. " says John.

I nod in reply. If I was to become a Luna right now, I don't think I'd. E ready just yet.

There's lots to learn that you can't just learn overnight. It's a very big job that you need to be experienced for.

" Well I'm proud of you no matter what you decide. Same goes for you Amber. " says my mother. We both grin at her.

" Now lets play this game shall we. " says my father as he starts to shuffle the cards.

Man, it's been forever since I played this game. I'm a bit competitive, and by bit I mean a lot.

He deals them out, seven card per person. We take our cards and not let anyone else see. He set the deck in the middle and brings out one card and sets it down to begin the game.

I look at my cards and try not to smirk. I have a draw four, a yellow two, a red draw two, two blue ones, a green seven a green three.

The card placed down first was a blue 8. I've always loved this game.

The person to the right of the dealer plays first which was John. He put down a blue six.

" So how was your trip to those packs?" Asks my mom as she puts down a blue three.

" It was good up until we met Alpha Grace. " I say playing my green three.

" What happened there?" Asks my mother.

" Alpha Grace went with her instinct and made Connor kneel right away before we could explain. " says my father placing a green skip turn card down.

John scoffed. " Really?!" He said.

My dad just laughed. " I could see how she would react that way at first, but it seems like there's more to the story. " she says playing a green nine.

" There is. She almost matched Alpha George's power and almost made him submit to her. It was insane. " I said placing down my green seven.

" She spoke really rudely to him and she was out of line so I stepped up to defend my Alpha. " says my father. He then reached and grabbed a card out of the deck.

My mother gasped. " I know. Bad idea. I thought it was a good idea at the time. I was majorly wrong. " says my father.

John places down a color changer card. " Colors yellow. " he says.

" She made you submit didn't she?" Says my mother.

" By the time she was done with me I was on my hands and knees with my head nearly touching the ground. " says my father.

" You poor thing. " says my mother placing down a yellow two.

" I was actually terrified for dad. " I said. I placed down my yellow card.

We continue to play for a while. Soon enough John won. Which made me a bit angry, but that's just me being competitive.

Mom then gets us all a small snack and we just sit there talking for the rest of the time. Once its 15 minutes before the pack dinner we all get up and grab our bags.

We head out the door and start walking towards the pack house. We look to the side and see many other families doing the very same.

My father stops us though. We all look at him. " No matter what happens tomorrow, we remain in contact. If one of us is hurt we go to help. Deal. " he said

We all nod. " Deal. " we say.

" I love you guys. So much and I'm proud of who you two kids have grown up to be and who your mates are. " he says.

" I love you too dad. " John and I say.

My mother just kissed him. " I love you too Rick. " she says.

With that we turn around and start back on our way to the pack house.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm not sure who the next POV will be. Let me know if there's someone's POV you want to see. Until then :-)

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