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          It was a gloomy day. It was the anniversary of Harry's death.
All Hogwarts students have been permissioned to stay out of class today as the headmistress herself was crying over the boy and of course, Albus Dumbledore.

          Professor Nosferatos hasn't had it easier. He was in love with Albus Dumbledore and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about the tea dates and evenings near the fireplace that they used to have.

          Theodore Nott went completely mental after a few months that Dean died. He was on strong anti-depressants and sedatives. He had to have it prescribed in the muggle world, too. He was working alongside Hagrid, helping him with the creatures Hagrid tended to bring home.

          Severus and Lily were now preparing to have a child, the child would be coming any moment now and Severus was home with Lily, while Horace took the position of the potions teacher.

          Draco has tried to commit suicide two times in the past four months and Severus put him under Remus and Sirius's watch. When Narcissa heard what her son's done, she broke down and needed to get prescribed with pills herself.

          Narcissa also broke up with her boyfriend and bailed Lucius out. The money wasn't the only thing he had to do to get Lucius out of Azkaban. After he was clean of the drugs, he was like a changed man. Their romance was blossoming again and as a divorced couple, they agreed to start completely from the beginning. Lucius took Narcissa on little dates and they were regaining the love that their relationship no longer had before their divorce.

          Ron and Hermione were slowly but surely getting better. Ron got a job as an Auror in the Ministry while Hermione was continuing her education in the muggle world, so that she could become a prime minister's secretary in the ministry. They've reserved the job for her, but told her she needs a few more things from education to be completely suitable for the position.

          Sirius has been the main attraction at Hogwarts because of Teddy usually being in class with him. The girls absolutely loved Teddy and the boys just pretended to be annoyed by the baby, when in fact, they often stayed after class and cuddled with the baby. One of these boys were Sirius's best students, two Slytherin boys named Beckett Charriot and Jay Clover.

          Remus was still mourning his cub's death. He couldn't help himself. Hogwarts just wasn't the same without Harry. Sirius mourned too, but not as much anymore. It's not that he wasn't sad, he just didn't want to pass the sadness onto Teddy.

          The Order mourned the death of Nymphadora Tonks and her son Edward, that she refused to tell the father's name to anyone. While she was pregnant, she got a lot of help from Sirius and Remus.

          Charlie Weasley had a full on business with dragons in Romania. He was training and healing them, however when he needed help with the healing part, he always called Draco. The boy knew how to calm the Dragons and how to heal them even better than Charlie.

          Percy Weasley became a part of The Order after his family took him back. He promised he changed and they had no reason to not believe their son.

          Molly and Arthur were still in love as ever before, however Arthur lost one arm because a Death Eater spread some curse into his veins. He had no option than to cut off his arm quickly.

          Luna has sadly, suffered the death of her father. She moved in with Atlas and his mother, who found herself a boyfriend. He was the new teacher of Divination after Sybill's death in the battle.

          Neville was teaching Herbology and he had the most fun with the first years. They were curious, always asked questions and the girls often made flower crowns for him. He still sometimes thought of Harry and Dean, thinking what it would be like if they didn't die.

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