∆ 45 - 6th part ∆

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          Harry's limbs felt like jelly. Both him and mom have suffered the loss of a child, the same year. It brought back the memory and Harry couldn't help himself but get taken into the past.

          He was in the woods, holding his stomach, running from a crazed death eater. He felt no better than yesterday when he got brutally tortured, raped and then left to starve on the hard concrete of the ground.
He wanted his Draco. He wanted him so bad.

          The crazed man was nowhere to be seen as Harry ran and ran until he felt safe. As soon as he felt liquid gushing down his legs, he started crying. He didn't want to loose the child. He truly didn't. He was clutching his stomach, helplessly begging Merlin to not let him loose the child.

          Merlin however was not on his side this time. Harry felt so much pain he passed out, still holding onto his stomach, only to find himself in centaur's house later, feeling empty and like he just suffered death.

          By the time Harry was back in his mind, tears were streaming down his face and he was hyperventilating hard. He felt as if his lungs were being ripped out as he grasped every piece of air he managed to reach. He felt terrible, even the word terrible was an understatement. Miserable, helpless. The same way he felt when he was loosing his child.

          He hadn't realized his mother's cries towards him. He hadn't heard his lover's calling. He may have been back but he was still blocked out of reality partly, with his senses. He was stuck in a moment of misery, painful memories flooded his mind and replaced the happy ones, which Harry doubted he even had in the first place.

          His happiest memory was held in the clock. It was the moment Draco and he got engaged. He started thinking of Draco and slowly but surely regained his composure. He felt his lover's touch, he felt the warmth of Draco's fingers on his fingers and he finally saw the blonde man in front of him. He doesn't know how long he's been out.

          Even Narcissa was near him but didn't dare to touch him. She was afraid that the boy would flinch or his state would get even worse. Severus and Lily were both motionless while Farah left the room to make more tea. Everyone stared at her as if she was out of her mind, but Draco was the only one that could truly help him. She didn't say it. She wanted them to see it.

          Harry looked around the room, realization hit him. He's not locked up, He's not with death eaters. He's safe. He cried as he grasped onto Draco's shirt.
,,I'm sorry, Lily. Severus. Mom. Farah. I think we'll be leaving now." Draco said as he grabbed Harry into his hands, holding him as if he was made out of glass.
,,That's quite alright, text me later." Severus said and Draco noted to do so.
,,Take care of him, Draco." Narcissa said as she stood up.

          ,,Thank you for telling us everything. I am sure there's more to say, but we should perhaps leave that for another time. We appreciate you telling us. Everything. Also Lily, don't blame yourself. Harry's sick." Draco said and Lily shot Draco a confused glance. He was not going to explain it, absolutely not now.

          He needed to get Harry home. So he did. They were now inside of their flat, Harry still holding onto Draco as if his life had depended on it. Harry has been set onto their sofa in the living room, Draco went inside of the kitchen which was, thank Merlin, connected with the living room so Harry did see him and didn't feel abandoned.

          Draco stared at Harry for a little, before deciding to give him some sweets. He decided to try and help Harry's sadness fade away. Harry was delicate and Draco was going to treat him like it. He came to the boy and held him close, making sure to not squeeze him too tight.

          ,,Draco, how does Paris sound?"
,,Lovely. Winter makes it look even more beautiful."
,,It's almost May."
,,There's still snow though. Mom has sent me pictures."
,,Can we go there?"
,,We will. Maybe sooner, maybe later. But we will. I promise, love."
,,Thank you, Draco." Harry smiled.

          And oh Lord, did Draco fall in love with him again. That smile he saw sunshine in. Wait no, scratch that. Harry was his sunshine and his smile was the sun rays. Both were astonishing, but Harry was more. In Draco's eyes, Harry was the most beautiful person when speaking of personality. When speaking of looks, Harry was gorgeous. Despite his hair looking like a bird nest, he still was handsome.

          Draco would kill for Harry's smile. And not just his smile, his angelic voice that still, after all these years, sent shivers down Draco's spine. His wonderful lips that tasted as sweet as apples. His lovely scent, he smelled like chocolate and sometimes like cherries. Draco loved it the most when Harry used his shampoo which resulted in him smelling like vanilla.

          Draco would of course never admit that he's gone this soft for Potter but he didn't even have to. I mean, they were engaged, he always held him protectively and lord protect anyone that even looked at Harry in a wrong way.

          ,,Hey Dray, when are we getting married?" Harry asked out of literally nowhere. Draco hummed and thought about it. It would only be for the best to wait for a little while, as they've not seen each other for a year and just moved in together. But something in Draco's mind just wanted to say 'fuck it' and marry the boy right now. But it just was far too soon.

          Two things Draco is bad at is keeping away from Harry and waiting. He didn't want to do neither, but knew he had to.
,,I don't know, maybe after Severus and Lily get married?"
,,They're getting married?"
,,I don't know, maybe they are." Draco shrugged.
,,I can't wait." Harry smiled.
,,Me neither, love." Draco kissed Harry's hair.

          ,,Draco, I missed you so much. You can't even imagine."
,,Oh Harry, trust me. I can imagine. It was death being apart from you. To think I'd have to do it for the rest of my life, I'd choose death."
,,Draco don't say that!" Harry looked mad for a minute but when he looked at a perfectly composed, smiling Draco he couldn't keep it up.
,,What? Death would feel better than missing you."
,,If you really think so." Harry sighed.
,,I know so."

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