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ronaldwsl : mate I just wanted to apologize
ronaldwsl : I didn't know the situation and jumped to conclusions

dracomalfoy : no I get it
dracomalfoy : I regret making Harry this miserable honestly

ronaldwsl : it's fine, mate
ronaldwsl : he seems better now

dracomalfoy : yeah I would say so too

ronaldwsl : so, is it true?

dracomalfoy : yes, Lucius Malfoy is dead

ronaldwsl : so you're the new lord Malfoy

dracomalfoy : I hate that title

ronaldwsl : just kidding

dracomalfoy : you better be, Weasley

ronaldwsl : again at this, Malfoy?

dracomalfoy : maybe

ronaldwsl : well it's better than being all buddies and nice to each other isn't it?

dracomalfoy : obviously

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