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ronaldwsl : i'm so excited to see you graduate mate!

harryjpotter : yeah I can't wait for the ball after!

ronaldwsl : so did you prepare a speech?

harryjpotter : of course I did

ronaldwsl : Hermione's rubbing off on you

harryjpotter : she's doing that on your brother

ronaldwsl : oh shut up

harryjpotter : so how is it between you two?

ronaldwsl : actually really normal
ronaldwsl : we haven't really been so in love anymore

harryjpotter : i hope to see you two soon

ronaldwsl : she's still my best friend
ronaldwsl : I'm still wearing the promise ring I gave her

harryjpotter : yeah I know
harryjpotter : I'm just saying
harryjpotter : I'm trying to not loose my best friends

ronaldwsl : I doubt you'd ever loose us

harryjpotter : I hope so, Ron
harryjpotter : I'd be dead without you or Hermione

ronaldwsl : we know mate, we know

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