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harryjpotter : Allen?

allengunner : yes, Harry?

harryjpotter : you like Lucien
harryjpotter : don't you?

allengunner : how'd you know?

harryjpotter : it's quite obvious
harryjpotter : just the way you look at him when we sit at lunch
harryjpotter : or the way you smile when he speaks

allengunner : is it weird?

harryjpotter : what do you mean?

allengunner : is it weird?
allengunner : liking men?

harryjpotter : no, why would it be?

allengunner : I thought you'd judge me

harryjpotter : why?

allengunner : I mean... Lucien is
allengunner : different
allengunner : not many people like him

harryjpotter : so what?
harryjpotter : my fiance was the biggest asshole in this school
harryjpotter : if only you came sooner from Ilvermorny
harryjpotter : if you saw Draco before we got together
harryjpotter : you wouldn't even believe he's the same person as now
harryjpotter : trust me,
harryjpotter : you're cool, Allen

allengunner : thank you, Harry!
allengunner : do you think he likes me back?

harryjpotter : I'm not sure, I can ask him
harryjpotter : if you'd like?

allengunner : please Harry
allengunner : I need to know

harryjpotter : then give me a minute

allengunner : whatever you need

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