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dracomalfoy : Harry is fine now

svrssnape : I'm glad to hear that
svrssnape : Lily says she's sorry

dracomalfoy : tell her that it's fine
dracomalfoy : she's not done anything

svrssnape : she's asking about him
svrssnape : asking about the illness

dracomalfoy : feel free to tell her about the PTSD
dracomalfoy : but do not tell her about the pregnancy

svrssnape : as you wish

dracomalfoy : Harry does
dracomalfoy : I've asked him

svrssnape : very well then
svrssnape : I'm returning to Hogwarts soon
svrssnape : is Harry still as rubbish at potions as he used to be?

dracomalfoy : yes

svrssnape : bloody hell
svrssnape : that boy never learns

dracomalfoy : I've been helping him though
dracomalfoy : he seems to be doing better but only slightly

svrssnape : I'll be the judge of that

dracomalfoy : suit yourself

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