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ginnywsl has created a groupchat
ginnywsl has named the groupchat GRYFFINDOR TRIO
ginnywsl has added amafourglass stephwestouth


ginnywsl : hey

amafourglass : why aren't you in class?

ginnywsl : I got beaten up

stephwestouth : how come?
stephwestouth : those six years bothered you again?

ginnywsl : no, it was a seventh year boy..

amafourglass : who?

ginnywsl : um..
ginnywsl : never mind

amafourglass : I'll beat every boy up
amafourglass : tell me now
amafourglass : or a bunch of innocent guys will get beaten up

ginnywsl : it was Kenric Ayer

amafourglass : so your crush beat you up, huh?
amafourglass : I'm going to cast a few spells ladies
amafourglass : excuse me

ginnywsl : please don't

amafourglass : why?

ginnywsl : the injuries aren't that bad

stephwestouth : I agree with Ama
stephwestouth : he deserves to be punished
stephwestouth : maybe violence isn't always the answer
stephwestouth : but it definitely is now

ginnywsl : guys no..
ginnywsl : I don't want him to be hurt

stephwestouth : Ginny are you out of your mind?

amafourglass : he's hurt you!
amafourglass : he's gonna get it.

ginnywsl : whatever.

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