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          ,,Honestly Hermione, I have a lot of things going on. I'm studying chemistry externally at a school in London, because I need that when working with patients, while I'm finishing special potions training from Slughorn and Severus. I also have been selected for a dragon healer training. Honestly, my life's never been better now that Harry's back. He's also able to end his school, since he came the first day of the second half of semester."

          ,,You're a busy bee, huh?"

          ,,I am, but I'll always find time for a teacup with you." He winked at her and she chuckled.

          ,,Now that Harry's here, I'm thinking about getting him enrolled in school again. Like, going to talk to Minevra right now. But I don't know if he'd want to go back to school. After all, he doesn't really know that many 8th years. I'll talk to her after he wakes up and confirms he wants to continue his study."

          ,,I'm also getting an apartment, in London. I'll be George's neighbour. Can you imagine?" Draco smiled. ,,Him having a psychiatrist next door might be useful." Hermione nodded. ,,I hope you can help him."

          ,,I believe in myself and hope that I and Harry can make him sane again."
,,I bet you can. You're smart Draco. Please, fix him."
,,I'll try my best. Also I'm going to ask Harry to move in with me."
,,Oh he'll be more than happy to. Trust me. He's been living with the Weasleys for forever and he feels like a burden."

          ,,Yes, I'm definitely asking him to live with me as soon as he wakes up."

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