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nelsonnewtwood : hey, Harry

harryjpotter : oh hey, Nelson

nelsonnewtwood : can I ask you something?

harryjpotter : absolutely, of course

nelsonnewtwood : you were pregnant, right?

harryjpotter : how did you know?

nelsonnewtwood : Draco and Oliver became great friends while you were gone, you see

harryjpotter : oh okay, so what is it?

nelsonnewtwood : I just wanted to ask if it's normal that I feel the baby already. . It's only been 3 months

harryjpotter : I think so, yes
harryjpotter : let me ask Draco

nelsonnewtwood : okay

harryjpotter : Draco says it's not normal but, you're a male
harryjpotter : so it just may be

nelsonnewtwood : okay, thank you Harry and Draco!

harryjpotter : you're welcome, Nelson
harryjpotter : anytime

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