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          ,,When Leonore hit me with the Kedavra curse, I've hit her with Occiderolis, Sun Magic spell that Farah has taught me when you weren't in the room. It's an instant kill when it hits a living being. Before Kedavra could hit me, I've apparated. I appeared in Charlie Weasley's house with a half side of my face burnt."

          ,,Leonore must've casted a burning spell. When Charlie saw me, he tried to heal me, but dragon burns are different than burns made with Dark Magic. He at least gave me a potion so that I wouldn't be suffering so much and honestly I've never been so glad to have my pain stopped."

          ,,Charlie then gave me a bed and made me rest. He's heard of what happened at Hogwarts but wasn't able to come. He was about to tell Molly that I'm fine, that was after I woke up, but his house got attacked by death eaters. Long story short I got kidnapped and I told Charlie to not say anything that I'd find my way out. Right before I apparated away. With the death eaters."

          Harry took a breath. The few months he spent with death eaters wasn't quite pleasant. Actually they were the most traumatising months of his life. He survived death multiple times again.

          ,,They locked me up and made precautions against magic. Of course, they used magic, but I couldn't. I was far too weak to use Blood or Sun spells so I've suffered a few beatings for the first two weeks. I was starved, cut into, treated like a dog, made a slave to be sat on. After that I suffered a few cruciatuses and kedavra's. I don't know why it didn't kill me. After two months, I started to get raped after they learned that I'm- after they learned that I'm into men."

          Draco sighed. Harry decided to hide it from Draco and Draco would respect the decision if there wasn't a whole infection in his body.

          ,,Harry. I'm sorry. I have to ask." Draco sighed once again.
,,Were you pregnant when Leonore hurt you?" Harry's eyes widened. He wondered how Draco would know, but he was a doctor. Of course Harry wouldn't be able to keep anything from him.

          ,,Yes." Harry exhaled. Draco's eyes watered and so did Harry's. Draco grabbed a hold of his lover's hand.

          ,,What happened?" Draco whimpered. He felt broken for both himself but mostly for Harry. Going through that alone must've been hell.
,,Why didn't you tell me?"

          ,,Draco I was so scared. So freaking scared. That you'd leave me, alone with our child... I was thinking of... Of..." Harry didn't need to say more for Draco to carefully hug him. Draco knew what Harry wanted to say and Draco didn't want to hear it.

          ,,Do you think you could call Sirius and Remus in here?"
,,Absolutely, love. Would you like to see their little boy as well?"
,,Yes, yes." Harry wiped his tears and smiled.

          Soon enough, Draco had little Teddy in his arms and Sirius and Remus were crying their eyes out. Their cub is alive and as well as one can be after what Harry went through.

          ,,Harry, cub, how do you feel?" Remus asked the obvious.
,,Kind of like I'm on 5 IV's." Harry smiled.
He didn't smile at Remus though. He smiled at Draco playing with the brown haired baby. Draco sat Teddy on his chair while he was kneeling on the ground and played with the little werewolf's fingers.

          ,,Tell us, Harry, what happened after that. I've already filled Sirius and Remus with what I know happened while I got them from their classes. " Draco demanded while playing with Teddy's hair, ruffling it and the boy laughing at Draco.

          ,,This one death eater, a woman, she noticed the state I'm in. She felt sympathy as she has a child herself. She started bringing me meals, brought me some books to read and later on helped me escape. She shared her story with me. Her husband, also a death eater, Leon John Umbarger has been shagging other women while she was left to take care of her 2 months old son."

          ,,Her name is Regina Lucia Umbarger and her daughter's name is Amelia Tulip Umbarger. They're both wonderful. Regina escaped with me, but we had to part ways since it was dangerous for her to stay near me. I didn't hear of her since that. Maybe I could write her a letter someday." Harry wondered.

          ,,After that, I was too weak to apparate. I actually didn't loose the baby when I was locked up. It was the run after it and the fact I starved even more which made me loose the... Baby.." Harry was obviously still shaken up by the fact he miscarried his first child and Sirius felt extreme sympathy. He himself wouldn't know how he'd take it if he lost Teddy.

          ,,I've been living in the woods alone, until a centaur found me starved and took me to his family. I think his name was Marius and his little brother's name was Juh. They tried to heal me but not even Centaur Magic was enough to help me. After a week of being properly took care of, I decided it would be best if I tried to apparate and get back. Something however went wrong and I ended up in the old Malfoy Manor."

          ,,It was filled with death eaters and I spawned straight in the middle of the room while they had a meeting. I made a run for it but have been captured again. For two weeks, they cut me, worse than before. I've made sure to block out any pain I felt so that mom wouldn't feel it. When I escaped the second time, finally on my own I found this old, abandoned house. I thought it was abandoned."

          ,,An old witch lived in there. She possessed something I can't talk about. Draco knows. She helped me train and get stronger. After three months of being with her, she sadly died of old age. Before she died, she made me the person who will claim her inheritance since both of her sons turned out to be death eaters and she was highly against that. She told me I was a good student-" Harry smiled and felt a tear escape his eye. ,,And that she was proud of me. She was a wise woman. And I may have cried when I was burying her body."

          ,,After that it's been almost eight months since I've vanished. I would've contacted any of you, but I didn't want to bother Hedwig's broken wing. I tried to make a healing potion, but I messed up big time and accidentally turned Hedwig into a phoenix." Draco chuckled, amused.

          ,,But after 24 hours he was back to normal which I was glad for. Didn't have to make another potion." Harry eyes longed on Draco and Teddy.
,,Do you think I could hold him?" Sirius and Remus both shared a smile and nodded, however Draco wasn't a fan of this idea.

          ,,Absolutely not. You just had your chest and abdomen wide open for 8 hours yesterday. I am not, in any way, letting you hold anything heavy."

          ,,But Dray-" Harry tried. He was quite desperate to hold a child. Maybe even have one.

          ,,Harry, love, I know. But I can't have you die on me again, now can I?" Harry sighed in defeat. He knew he wasn't going to win this fight no matter how hard he tried.

          ,,So what did you do for the last four months?" Draco asked, curious.

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