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luciencarrington* created a groupchat
luciencarrington named the groupchat SLYTHERIN SNAKES
luciencarrington added harryjpotter and allengunner*


luciencarrington : it's finally nice to meet someone as fascinating
luciencarrington : as you, Harry

allengunner : it truly was a pleasure!

harryjpotter : I mean, we agreed to stay friends
harryjpotter : so you two can stop with the formalities

luciencarrington : not really a formality
luciencarrington : more of a way to express an emotion

allengunner : sure..

harryjpotter : Allen, Lucien, care to join me for lunch someday with Draco?

luciencarrington : me and Malfoy,
luciencarrington : he doesn't really
luciencarrington : like my existence

allengunner : he meant we'd love to

luciencarrington : Allen, don't put words into my mouth

allengunner : I'll shove them down your throat if you won't stop being like this

harryjpotter : don't fight, guys
harryjpotter : I've already spoken to Draco
harryjpotter : he's down to cut grudges with you, Lucien

luciencarrington : what a pleasure
luciencarrington : maybe one day we'll form a friendship
luciencarrington : but that's in the stars

allengunner : Draco is named after one
allengunner : maybe he knows

luciencarrington : you dream too much, Allen

allengunner : funny coming from you, Lucien

harryjpotter : guys!

luciencarrington : sorry

allengunner : sorry as well

harryjpotter : I'll talk to you all later
harryjpotter : gotta talk to someone

luciencarrington : sure

allengunner : good luck Harry!


* Lucien Carrington is inspired by Lucien Carr
* Allen Gunner is inspired by Allen Ginsberg

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