∆ 34 - 5th part ∆

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          Allen ended up crying in Amanda's arms, while she sobbed as well. For what she cried? No one knows. Lucien spoke to Draco and thanked him for the invite and said that the apartment is lovely. Then he and Stephanie left.

          Harry has spoken to Molly and Arthur, promising to visit soon. Luna finally caught him, just moments before going home to Atlas and Farah who already went. She was truly happy to see Harry and Draco happy.

          She of course didn't forget to tell Harry a lot of philosophy that she's learned over the year and of course, Harry listened curiously. When Luna seemed so into it, he had no choice but to be drawn into what she's speaking.

          Eventually the couple said their goodbyes to everyone. And they were happy about it. Socializing can get exhausting when so many people come at once while you've not socialized properly for a year or so.

          Even if Draco was used to it, he must admit he was exhausted as well. Especially because of his parents and Harry's mom. She's not talked to Draco too much, actually almost not at all, but it was quite adorable that she made sure to ask Draco if he's treating Harry well.

          The boys finally laid down into their new bed, which smelled fresh and clean, like cherries. Draco personally doesn't enjoy the smell of cherries, but Harry does. That's why cherry was the chosen scent instead of vanilla.

          ,,I'd say today was a success, except for Allen crying." Draco sighed in delight once he sank into the sheets.
,,I'd say so as well. I'll talk to Lucien tomorrow about it."
,,Good luck with that. Carr is a stuck up git and nothing will change him."
,,Why do you hate him so much?"
,,Not important."


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