∆ 44 - 5th part ∆

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          ,,When Leonore was supposed to bring James back, the spell she was to use is a spell which sells one's soul for their loved one. If she were to perform this spell, she would have to transfer most of her blood into Potter's body and the performer, in this case Leonore, has a high chance of dying. That's a second reason why she decided to kill herself."

          ,,What do you mean she decided to kill herself?" Harry asked, once again, regretting this decision almost immediately.

          ,,Did you see how much blood she's used when saving Lily? She didn't need that much. The spell wouldn't have killed her. It would tire her but not kill her. She had to help it, herself. She was driven by undying love to a man who never even batted an eye at her."

          ,,But she's been my mom's best friend!" Harry looked at Lily who chuckled.
,,For what?! So she could get to your father, Harry!" Severus raised his voice and Lily only laughed at her lover's outburst.
,,She was a friend, yes, she used to babysit you. But Harry, love." Lily sipped her tea. ,,Severus is correct. She never spoke to me as much as she spoke to James. In fact, it was comedic to see her look all cute and nice, make-up and everything, when she only came to babysit you."

          ,,So why were you friends with her, if she wanted dad?"
,,Because I knew James only had eyes for me." Severus scoffed but Lily chuckled. ,,Leonore was a powerful witch. After she died, I felt her power present in me. She was a great friend, despite not talking much. Helped when we needed it. She may not have been completely honest about everything, but always had great advice to give. No wonder she became a teacher." Lily smiled at the memory of a not-so-good friend of hers.

          ,,Okay. One thing is quite unclear to me." Draco spoke up. ,,The day we went to the graveyard to bring Harry's parents back, you-" he looked at Severus, ,,Cried for her after she died. When we came to your classroom, she cried into your chest. Did you love her, Severus?"

          Even Lily's ears were curious to hear the answer to this. Not because she was jealous, but because she wanted to know if Severus is still the same or not. She would probably never admit it, but he doesn't seem like he's changed one bit. Yes, he may be more gloomy but he always was like that. Sort of weird, different from others. Never the one to express emotions in the way others did. Actually, he never expressed much emotion, but only around people. When alone with Lily, Severus could be quite sweet.

          ,,Did I love her? Yes. Was I in love with her? Never in a million years. After spending three years with someone you can't not grow to care for them. But I wouldn't say I was in love with her. Loving and being in love are two, completely different spectrums."

          ,,This sounds like something Lucien Carrington would say." Draco scoffed.
,,He's not my adopted child for nothing, is he?" Severus said and both Draco and Harry's mouths fell wide open. Lily however just took a sip of her tea and smiled at the surprised boys.

          ,,Severus, explain." Draco demanded and Severus was to grant the command.
,,I have no connection to Lucien Carr. However Albus has. Lucien is Albus's god child. Lucien's father, Dane Hans Carrington, has died by his mental mother's, Marien's, hands, three years ago. Marien has been placed in a mental institute where she commited suicide. Dane was a wizard, Marien a muggle. Dane was a great student of Albus and Albus took as much of a liking to Dane as much as he has to you, Harry. That's why he agreed to be Lucien's god father."

          Severus stood silent for a moment. He remembered the time he almost killed Albus in the tower, the time Harry called him out for it in the Great Hall, the time Dumbledore protected him and Lily. He felt sick and twisted for almost killing his best friend.

          ,,After all I've done. . . It was the least I could do. Carrington had no other family than Albus. And the boy has so, so, so much potential to be a great wizard. I couldn't have let him live in a muggle, or any orphanage for that matter. Albus hadn't asked me to, I did it on my own. Went to the orphanage Lucien was to be admitted to and said, I'm taking the boy home." Severus sighed.

          ,,So Lucien is my step-brother." Harry said.
,,That seems to be correct." Severus smirked at the boy.
,,Anyways, mom when's the baby coming?"
,,In a few days, maybe." Lily smiled and looked at her stomach.

          A little bubble that held the meaning of Severus's life. He had been waiting for this for years, unexpecting his wishes to come true at all. A pleasant surprise, may one say. Severus definitely was happy about it.

          ,,Speaking of babies," Lily sighed ,,There's one last thing you need to know, Harry. This may be a little hard to take." Lily took a pause to speak. Her heart still felt heavy as she's not told anyone, only Severus knew.
,,When Voldemort killed me and James, I was pregnant." Harry's eyes went wide, so did Draco's, Narcissa's and Farah as well.

          ,,When Leonore woke me up, the baby woke up as well." Lily swallowed hard. It was obviously a hard topic to speak of.
,,But then the battle came and I was reckless and I-" Lily choked, she started sobbing and Severus quickly took a hold of her and held her with so much love like never before.
,,I've lost them, Harry.." Lily cried and it hurt Harry to see his mother. He wanted to bring himself up to stand, go to her and hug her.

          But he couldn't.

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