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dracomalfoy : Ronald

ronaldwsl : yes Malfoy?

dracomalfoy : could you come with me?

ronaldwsl : to where?

dracomalfoy : hogsmeade

ronaldwsl : why me?

dracomalfoy : just. .
dracomalfoy : can you?

ronaldwsl : fine
ronaldwsl : but why?

dracomalfoy : I'll tell you everything once we're there

ronaldwsl : this better be good, Malfoy

dracomalfoy : it's splendid, Ronald

ronaldwsl : fine then, when?

dracomalfoy : how about 2 hours?

ronaldwsl : can't, still at work

dracomalfoy : when do you get off?

ronaldwsl : around 6 pm today

dracomalfoy : 6:30 pm it is then

ronaldwsl : fine, oh yeah
ronaldwsl : is it true you and my brother work together now?

dracomalfoy : yeah, why?

ronaldwsl : I was just curious if maybe
ronaldwsl : you and Harry would like to crash the summer at the burrow
ronaldwsl : even Percy and Bill are coming

dracomalfoy : I don't know, maybe
dracomalfoy : I'll ask Harry
dracomalfoy : but he'll probably want to spend the summer with Lily and Severus

ronaldwsl : well. . mom didn't exactly say that only you two can come
ronaldwsl : she told me to invite Harry and his close ones over

dracomalfoy : okay Weasley, who everyone is coming?

ronaldwsl : well, Blaise.

dracomalfoy : obviously

ronaldwsl : our whole family will be there of course
ronaldwsl : Percy, his wife, Bill and Fleur, Charlie with his girlfriend, my parents of course, Ginny and Amanda, George is contemplating coming
ronaldwsl : Luna, Atlas, I even invited Carrington and Gunner, Pansy and Nott are definitely coming, they said so

dracomalfoy : how do you all even sleep?

ronaldwsl : our house is big, Malfoy

dracomalfoy : of course

ronaldwsl : Hermione is going to be there as well, Oliver and Nelson can't come, sadly, Seamus and Neville will only stay a month and so. . Yeah.

dracomalfoy : so is it fine if Harry brings his mom, Severus, Brian and of course, Sirius, Remus and Teddy?

ronaldwsl : there's always place for someone at our house, come on!

dracomalfoy : can I. . bring my mother and my brother with his family?

ronaldwsl : sure, mate

dracomalfoy : splendid.
dracomalfoy : I just realized how many of us will actually be there

ronaldwsl : it does seem crazy doesn't it?

dracomalfoy : kind of.

ronaldwsl : I've gotta do work
ronaldwsl : speak later, yeah?

dracomalfoy : sure, Ron

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