∆ 32 - 3rd part ∆

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          Amanda and Allen were both getting completely wasted with Atlas. Atlas, he knew how to measure his alcohol, Amanda was a calm drunk, but Allen? He was completely gone. In his own world. It was kind of funny because this trio has never talked before yet they spoke like they knew eachother for years and drank together like good friends.

          Sirius and Remus have gone home and so have Severus and Lily. Both couples were tired and tomorrow was a Monday so they needed to get ready for everything. Sirius and Remus both had classes to teach and Lily had a last check up before finally, Harry would become a big brother.

          George and Hermione were talking the night away. Hermione was drinking and sobbing into George's chest. It was quite an adorable sight if Ron hasn't been glaring daggers into George's back. Not jealousy, no, it just didn't feel right for some reason. Ron was the cause so he should be the fix too, right?

          Harry was now facing Lucius Malfoy himself. Without Draco, or anyone to save him. It was quite comedic. The long haired male has approached him first.
,,Harry James Potter, I-" Lucius sighed and calmed down. Needless to say he was nervous. After all, he was a part of a group that has killed Harry's parents and tried to kill Harry himself. Also has tried to give Harry away, disrespected him in front of the Weasleys at the quidditch tournament, pretended to be glad to meet him in a book store. Almost casted a cruciatus on him and his own son for being together.

          When Harry was in Lucius's class, he always got called to answer questions and especially when Lucius knew Harry wouldn't know the answer. Severus had to stop Lucius from torturing his son. Lucius was the reason Draco has been with Astoria Greengrass in the first place. Yeah, Lucius had some balls to talk to Harry.

          ,,Calm down Mr. Malfoy. I'm a forgiving person when I see a change. Now what did you wish to speak with me about?"
,,I've come to apologize for my actions." Lucius's head was hanging low. Guilt. Shame. This quite pleased Harry. Lucius's head always used to be up. A proud man. Proud of his wealth.

          Lucius no longer seemed to be the same.
,,I am, terribly," Lucius swallowed, didn't seem so good at apologising. ,,Terribly sorry. For all the pain I've caused you and my son. I'm still not quite used to the idea of not having grand children but, I'll do my best to be a good father-in-law."

          ,,Sir. You will have grand children." Harry said and Lucius's eyes widened.
,,Oh, no!" Harry chuckled. ,,I'm not.. You know. But in the future, I'll definitely make sure to speak with Draco about children."
,,B-But how?"
,,Male wizards are able to get pregnant, sir. It's quite uncommon but as you may see, Sirius and Oliver Wood's boyfriend are the ones who are able to. Just between us two, I can as well."
,,How.. How do you know?" Lucius asked, even more mortified.
,,That's... Not important." Harry swallowed. ,,Excuse me. I need some fresh air."

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