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          The room was white. His vision was blurry. The last time he's seen this much white he chose between death and being alive.

          It was awfully quiet. Then a lady, fully in black came and asked him for his name and the way he died. He didn't even respond before he started running after a very shining train which was going at a speed that Harry didn't see before.

          The destination was undefined. He was sitting in a vehicle. He was hoping they, whoever is the driver, would take Harry home. To Hogwarts. Instead, he was met with his father.

          They looked alike, his father was smiling, his glasses perfectly sat on his nose and his teeth were perfectly set in his mouth, a beautiful shape too, and complimented his facial structure.

          ,,Why am I here, father?" He asked, determined to know the answer.

          ,,You see, there are secrets to be found out. I just wanted to protect you."

          ,,I do not wish to be dead." He said, voice shaking.

          ,,You're not dead, I just wanted to congratulate you and haven't found another way." His father scratched his neck nervously.

          ,,Congratulate me on what?"

          ,,On your engagement of course." A white train started pulling up near them. ,,Looks like your lover has saved you, second time today. You've chosen a good one. Even if he's a man."

          ,,Thank you, father. I love you."

          ,,I love you too. I'm proud of you, Harry." And with that, Harry has survived yet another death and regained his life.

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