∆ 40 - 1st part ∆

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          Harry has stormed inside of his and Draco's room. He was beyond pissed. He just got home from a coffee date with Allen and he wasn't pleased with what he heard from the brown haired male. Lucien was going to get it on Monday. Harry could care less about attacking other students. He wasn't letting anyone play with his best friend.

          Draco was already done getting ready, while Harry had just started. He wanted to look presentable in front of his mother, step-father and his professor. Harry took his clock after finally being ready to head out, Draco took his own clock as well and they apparated to Severus's house.

          They were greeted by Severus and Farah sitting down, four tea cups placed delicately in front of them. Two for the couple, two of their own. Farah and Severus both shared unsure looks. This reminded Harry of when they came to see Leonore and Severus before they announced that they want to get his parents back.

          The couple sat down slowly, grabbed their cups and looked at the duo in front of them expectantly. Harry had other plans than letting them speak.
,,Where's my mom?" He asked, curiosity getting the best of him, making him look all around the room, hoping to see her.
,,She's lying down, asleep." Severus said with a small smile playing on his face.
,,Is she okay?"
,,Yes, just tired. The baby will come anytime now. The little man has been quite active, I must say." Severus still held the smile on his face.

          ,,Great! So why exactly are we here?" Harry asked and looked at Farah.
,,We've decided it would be the best to tell you a few more things about your past, Harry. And not only yours, but your parents as well. Oh, and, Draco. Don't worry. We have a few things to tell you as well." Farah said and summoned one more cup. Then, Narcissa entered the room.

          ,,Right on time, my dear." Farah said and pushed a chair out for Narcissa to sit on. Draco was confused but since he's going to be learning things as well, it would only make sense for his mother to be there. A few silent moments later, Farah started speaking.

          ,,I know I look old, but I'm actually no older than Severus or Narcissa here. While they both were Slytherins, I am, well, used to be, a Ravenclaw. And so was Leonore. You may not believe it, but that woman was placed into Hufflepuff. I used to know your father, Harry. He wasn't really a pleasant young lad, but he wasn't a bad person either."

          Harry was listening curiously. The desire to know more about his father has been burning within his heart throughout his whole life and now, finally, after eighteen years it came. The knowledge. He was excited to learn about his father.

          ,,James fell in love with Lily, Severus is in love with Lily, I used to be in love with Severus while Leonore.. She used to love your father." Harry's eyes widened. He was expecting anything but that. He grabbed Draco's hand and Draco made sure to squeeze it.

          ,,Leonore wasn't the only one to love James though, am I correct, Narcissa?" Draco spat out his tea. The embarrassment on his face was obvious and quite hilarious.
,,You've loved Harry's father, mom?"
Narcissa sighed and sheepishly nodded her head.
,,To think I'd be your brother actually hurts." Harry said.
,,Then don't think about it."

          ,,Leonore was quite a nice woman. Pleasant to speak to. But when it came to love she was crazed. A maniac almost. Utterly insane. She picked fights with Narcissa. Why don't you tell them this part, dear?" Narcissa took a sip of her herbal tea and looked at her boys.

          ,,I'd much rather show them." Narcissa said.
,,Okay but be careful, the spell's quite hard."
,,Potter, Draco, do take a hold of my hand."
The boys were confused, but the confusion soon faded when they found themselves in a memory.

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