∆ 42 - 3rd part ∆

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          ,,So Leonore hated you this much?" Harry asked and Narcissa nodded.
,,She would get furious every time when I got paired up with James. And that was quite a lot because we both were at the top of our classes and the only differences between us were our blood statuses and the fact I wasn't a troublemaker."

          ,,So this was constant? You two bickering because of Harry's father?"
,,Indeed. Many fights with her later, she stopped trying when she realized I'm not the one who's a receiver of James's sweet glances. She's never attacked Lily, not to my knowledge at least. But her love for James never has stopped."

          ,,If Leonore still loved my father, why did you marry her, Severus?"
,,You see. Leonore and I were quite a bit mad about each other. Not in the way you might think, Harry. I've never loved that woman. I wanted Lily back and she wanted James. I got too lost in the pretend play and proposed. Needless to say she was surprised yet obliged and accepted."

          ,,I saw you in the corridor. Sticking your pinkies out. Both reading. Were you two soulmates?" Harry asked and everyone in the room went wide eyed.
,,We were, yes. But not in the way you and Draco are-"
,,You two are soulmates?!" Narcissa asked, surprised.
,,The bond isn't that uncommon, Narcissa. Well, it is, but here in Hogwarts, a lot of soulmates meet and it's easier for fate to connect them with a string instead of letting them date a person they don't love and possibly mess up their plans. So yes, they are soulmates."

          ,,But how did you know?" Harry asked but Draco chuckled. Harry shot him a questioning look while Draco just looked down on their hands, which showed that on their pinky's a red string presented itself. Even if they held hands under the table, the string radiated an aura that was seen.

          ,,Draco did you know that you two meddled with faith's plans a lot of times?"
,,Do explain?" Draco looked at Harry, who himself had a confused expression on his face. Farah then nodded and proceeded speaking.
,,If things didn't go as they did. If Harry didn't set Sectumsepra on you and Ginevra didn't see him do so, Harry would've married her and would never text you, even after you two became friends."

          ,,You've almost killed Draco?!" Narcissa yelled at Harry and stood up.
,,Oh, but Narcissa. Draco was supposed to die after his friend set the Room of Requirements on fire, yet Harry saved him. You Harry, meddled with the fate so many times it's almost unforgivable. But you, Draco are no better." Farah chuckled, then continued, while Narcissa sat down, not knowing what to expect.

          ,,You should thank Ginevra and Leonore for bringing you two together. You, Draco, were supposed to marry Astoria Greengrass. And the fate's plan almost went through, but Leonore brought back Lily and went mental. As you know, Draco, Astoria has died, along with her siblings in the battle. That would've never happened if Leonore didn't save your mother, Harry."

          ,,I do not understand. When exactly did I meddle with the Fate's plans?"
He expected an answer from Farah, yet got one from Severus.
,,The night Harry saw you in the bathroom and you've spent it hugging in shattered glass pieces. Harry should've left you in there, no words spoken, but you spoke first. You weren't supposed to."

          ,,Okay, I'm sorry - but I don't get the part about Ginny seeing me used Sectumsepra." Harry sighed in shame. It was probably easy, he was just too much of a fool to figure it out.
,,If Ginny didn't know the spell, she wouldn't use it on Dean Thomas and become a killer in your eyes Harry.-"
,,I don't see her as a killer-!"
,,But don't you, Harry? She actually was foolish enough to not see what the spell does. She cowardly ran after that. She used the spell recklessly. And even if she wasn't the reason Dean has died, no one would believe the boy was an anorectic, refusing his nutrition IV while set on an IV with clear water in it, now would they?" Severus said and made Harry shut up instantly.

          He was correct. No one would believe that. No one did believe that as Ginny was still bullied by whoever wanted to bully her. She's a murderer and nothing else in everyone's eyes. And maybe, just maybe, Harry should see her that way as well. Afterall, if it weren't for her Dean wouldn't need hospital assistence in the first place.

          Draco however, didn't see the Weaslette as a murderer after he discovered she wasn't the cause of Dean's death. Because that way he would have to see Harry as a murderer as well. Draco will die one day and Harry's the murderer because he used Sectumsepra on him 90 years ago. Yes, Dean has died days after the attack. But the Weaslette never meant to murder or even hurt him. She wasn't the cause of Dean dying, therefore - she wasn't a murderer.

          ,,Okay, but how do you know about all of this? Who we were supposed to marry etcetera?" Harry asked Farah, quite determined to know the answer.
,,Isn't that obvious, Harry? I'm a time traveller. Born one. I was born with these abilities as my father, may he rest in peace, used to be one himself. I need no foolish clock to travel back to certain memories or times. Neither did he."

          ,,If you knew who we're going to marry, you knew that a war was coming!" Harry accused Farah and she's not denied any of it.
,,I did. That's why I quickly needed to tell you about your abilities. If it weren't for me, Draco would not be able to stop the fire as his conscience wouldn't let him believe he was able to control that much water. And you, Harry, should know that when one time travells and just comes back, others should not know."

          ,,You, Harry, out of all people should be thanking me. Who taught you the spell that helped you kill Leonore?"
,,I thought he used the Kedavra curse." Narcissa chimed in.
,,He didn't."
,,What did he use then?" Narcissa asked but her question was ignored.
,,We could have prevented this if only you've told us there is a war coming!"
Draco had to hold his fiance down so he wouldn't strangle the witch.

          ,,I've seen myself tell you. If I told you, the Fate would make sure you both get killed. I didn't want that and neither did the Fate." Farah approached this calmly. She genuinelly was a calm person, but in certain situations it may have not been the best approach.

          ,,So you'd rather hold seventy funerals, sacrifice other people, than let us prepare properly and let me only die ?!" Draco was surprised when Harry reacted this way. But he was The Boy Who Lived. Of course he would want to protect others before himself.
,,I could ask you the same, Harry Potter. Would you rather sacrifice two most powerful wizards of the wizarding world or seventy normal wizards, who have nothing abnormal about them?"
,,Fred and Dumbledore has died in that battle! How dare you say that!"
After a minute of silence Harry spoke up again.
,,I-If you told us. Draco would have died as well?"

          ,,That's what I said, isn't it?" Farah approached this question as if it was just a question. Nothing more. It would bother Harry, but he had much more to do than worry about a meaning of his own question.
,,So why exactly did you start telling us about Leonore being in love with Harry's father? I mean, it's nice to know about our parents's past, but I believe there's a reason to start telling such an entertaining tale."

          ,,If your abnormal pride wasn't stopping your intelligence one might say you'd end up in Ravenclaw, Draco." Farah said, a smile displayed on her face.
,,This is a story I'm asking all of you to not say. To anyone." Severus said, shame in his voice as evident as the pale moon setting itself carefully on the night sky.

          ,,Now where to start. . ."

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