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           There he sat, Draco, carefully positioned in the uncomfortable chair right in front of the ministry. He saw no familiar faces. Except for Ron, who was maybe an Auror but he was needed in the room.

           ,,Draco Lucius Malfoy-"
,,I have disowned the name Lucius, Sir."
,,Draco Malfoy's charges please." The minister commands as a member of the ministry stands up.

           ,,Draco Malfoy has used the unforgivable curse Avada Kedavra on his father Lucius Malfoy, resulting in his death and is to be facing the punishment of a dementor's kiss due to his previous crimes being ; helping Voldemort find Harry James Potter, helping Death Eaters get inside of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft an Wizardry, getting the dark mark and becoming a former Death Eater, attempting the murders of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Katie Bell and Ronald Bilius Weasley."

           Things truly didn't look good for Draco.

           ,,Mr. Malfoy, do you accept your charges? Is it correct that you have killed Lucius Malfoy?"
,,It is, sir." Gasps went all around the room. They didn't expect him to admit it.
,,Are you aware of your situation, Mr. Malfoy?" The minister said. ,,We have let you off the hook last time because Mr. Potter spoke in your favor." Draco shot a glance towards Harry. He didn't know that.

           ,,Were you aware of the fact that you are not to use an unforgivable under any circumstances?"
,,Yes sir." Draco said, completely devasted.

           ,,I must say, your family truly is troublesome Mr. Malfoy. First your parents become death eaters, then Mr. Snape brings back Lily Potter from the death which resulted in yet another war and now you kill your own father!" The minister rubbed his temples.

           Severus then walked in and sat where the ones speaking in Draco's favor are. Ronald did the same. Draco looked at him wide eyed. Why would Ron speak in his favor? I mean yes, they were friends but he did try to murder him. .

           ,,Please, anyone who has to say anything in Mr. Malfoy's favor, do come forward."

           Virgo came forward first. They made him drink Veritaserum and they began the "interrogation".
,,State who you are, if you saw the incident and what's your relation to Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mr. Lucius Malfoy."

           ,,I am Virgo Malfoy. Draco's brother and Lucius Malfoy was my biological father. I have been present at the time of the accident."
,,Mr. Malfoy, tell us more."

           ,,Let me state that Lucius Malfoy was not a changed man. You may be wondering why you've never heard of me, it's because he abandoned me and forced my mother Narcissa to give me to a muggle orphanage as I'm not able to do magic." Gasps were heard once again.
,,Draco is being charged with using the unforgivable but he had to endure two months of the Cruciatus curse being used on him."

           ,,Why hasn't he used his wand?"
,,His wand was snapped into half by Lucius, claiming that the wand that killed his Dark Lord must be destroyed." And another set of gasps. Of course. Who wouldn't gasp at the fact a wand is broken. It's hard to bring it back together into one piece.

           ,,Tell us, Mr. Draco Malfoy." the minister gulped. ,,Is it correct? Did Lucius Malfoy torture you for two months?"
,,Yes, yes it is." Draco said and the minister nodded.

           ,,Please proceed speaking, Mr. Virgo Malfoy." Virgo nodded.

           ,,At the night of the accident, I was finally able to break the barrier Lucius has put around the house. I have been trying to break it for two bloody months but nothing worked. There I saw Narcissa, my mother, lying on the ground, beaten up, almost unconscious. She begged me to save Draco and gave me her wand. I went down to the Malfoy Manor's dungeons that I was hoping wouldn't be there, but Draco explained it to me that Lucius built them there so he could torture Draco. Lucius has attacked me, but I dodged his attack. Lucius unarmed me of my mother's wand and backed me against a wall. I'm pretty sure he was about to murder me, when Draco grabbed mother's wand and used The Kedavra Curse on our father. It wasn't Draco's wand in the end that killed Lucius, it was our mother's."

           ,,Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. Is that all?"
,,The bruises Lucius caused on Narcissa have resulted in her being in St. Mungos now. That's all." The minister nodded.
,,Next person?" A memeber of the ministry asked.

           Severus stood up and came to the front. He drank the Veritaserum and started his boringly monotone speech.
,,Severus Snape. I'm Draco Malfoy's God Father and a potions teacher at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
,,We know who you are, Severus."
,,For those who don't." He looked at most of the ministry members behind the minister.

           ,,I've not been present at the time of the accident, however I do know that Lucius wasn't content with Draco Malfoy's choices of lovers. He forced Draco to be in a romantic relationship with Astoria Greengrass and has threatened to use Cruciatus on Draco to make him heterosexual again." Everyone looked at everyone. It was no secret that Draco and Harry were dating but they didn't think Lucius was that bad.

           ,,That's all, that's one of the reasons why Lucius used the curse on Draco. He was hoping to do it while Draco was still in school, anyway." With that, Severus sat down.

           Ron stood up and the minister raised his eyebrow. He came forward, drank the Serum and started speaking.

           ,,Ronald Bilius Weasley. Draco's friend? Maybe? We're not close. There's only one thing I want to say, Draco didn't want to kill me. It was his aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange pressuring him to do so. This has never been said and I needed to say it. Draco isn't a bad person, not anymore at least. He would never even raise his wand at me in a threatening way, so I'm asking for that to be taken off of his previous crimes. Thank you."

           Draco would kiss Weasley right now if he could. He didn't deserve his forgiveness but still got it somehow. The last person to stand up was Harry. Harry's eyes were sad but Draco's had hope in them. Harry came forward, drank the Veritaserum and started speaking.

           ,,Harry James Potter, Draco's fiance and Lucius's son in law." Everybody gasped. Galleons were exchanged between a couple people, assuming they bet on whether or not the duo will get married or not and Harry proceeded to speak.

           ,,What Draco did was self defense. Draco has gone missing after he told some awful things to his father. I have not been present at the Manor and if I were, I'd surely be the one sitting in Draco's chair right now." The minister nodded, listening to Harry closely. Of course he would, everything Harry said was saint and Draco was probably lucky to have Harry speak for him.

           ,,When Draco came home, he had a broken wrist, broken nose, he was and still is limping as you may have seen when he walked inside of the room and he has cuts all over his body. I still don't know how he managed to get home on his own. In my eyes, your honor, Draco only acted in self-defense and is in fact, innocent. Maybe murder is murder, but what's the price of a life owned by a person who is able to torture his own son for two months just because he's said some hurtful things, disowned his father's name and isn't heterosexual? A person like Draco wouldn't hurt a fly if he didn't feel himself, or his close ones being threatened. That's all, sir." Harry and Draco shared a loving gaze and Harry returned to sit down.

           ,,Those who think that Draco Malfoy is guilty?" The minister asked.
Four hands were raised.

           ,,Those who are in favor of Draco Malfoy being cleared of all charges?"
Many hands were rised and the minister himself raised his hand as well.

          ,,Innocent!" The minister said and Draco let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Harry ran to his lover and they embraced each other.

          ,,I'm so happy that you're a free man, Dray." Harry whispered.
,,Let's get married, Harry."
,,After I graduate."
,,Okay, love." Draco mumbles, nuzzling Harry's neck.

          ,,Let's go home, Draco."

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