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          Harry came inside of the office, handed Draco his apple and plopped himself onto his chair. He took out his potions book, Snape gave it to him after all. Still signed by The Half Blood Prince.

          ,,So Dray, how was your day?" Harry asked, casually reading his book.
,,My day was quite eventful. Minevra came here telling me you smacked Harrington across the head. I laughed. I would've loved to see it."

          ,,I was pretty proud of myself for doing it. He deserved it. That Griffin boy is quite adorable too, he thanked me and everything. Maybe I've made a mental note to protect him."

          ,,Harry you can't save everyone. But maybe you should check on the boy from time to time. I've had him in here a couple times. He cried a lot." Draco said, not even turning to face Harry. He was too busy in his medical notes.

          An hour later, Draco was done with his studies while Harry was still revising for potions. Draco smiled at his lover.

          Harry amazed Draco. Just the way he was concentrated on the book, not even noticing the few strands of hair falling into his eyes. The way his eyes were running along the lines written in the book.

          The way the last pieces of sunshine were reflecting on Harry's face, making his eyes stand out even more than they did before. They were a beautiful green colour, reminding Draco of apples.
          The way Harry's dark hair seemed a lighter colour everytime a ray of sunshine brushed over them when Harry moved a little. Harry James Potter truly was an astonishing man. In Draco's eyes at least.

          Draco walked to Harry, placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and massaged him. Harry stopped reading and let himself enjoy his fiance's touch.
,,I'll check the kids in here and then I'm right back. Go to our bedroom, you can read there. Just lay down and relax."

          After Draco checked two five years, one second year and a fourth year he was finally able to lie down next to his lover. When Draco came to the room, Harry was reading out loud and didn't even pay attention to Draco.

          Draco just laid down next to Harry and listened to his voice. Harry was reading about a potion called Draught of Peace. This potion is used to reduce stress and anxiety. Something both of them needed.

          ,,The only side effect of the very advanced and difficult potion, Draught of Peace is that overdoing the ingredients may result in a long or irreversible sleep. In other words, death.
The potion emits light silver vapour. It's brewing time is 90 minutes exactly.

          ,,The potion consists of five ingredients, which are : Powdered Moonstone, Syrup of Hellebore, Powdered Unicorn horn, Powdered Porcupine quills and lastly Valeri root."

          When Harry looked at Draco after reading a little more, he found the man curled in a ball, soundly asleep and slightly snoring. Harry knew this was his cue to close the book and head to dreamland as well. But not before he admired Draco's face a little more than he already did every day.

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