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ronaldwsl : mate
ronaldwsl : I miss you

harryjpotter : sorry the exams are so soon
harryjpotter : plus I've been in detention for the past two weeks

ronaldwsl : what'd you do mate?

harryjpotter : punch Lucien Carrington in the face a couple times
harryjpotter : he's a prefect

ronaldwsl : how come I've not heard of him before?

harryjpotter : it's a long story

ronaldwsl : I was wondering
ronaldwsl : if you were down to go with the group for a butterbeer and maybe catch up?

harryjpotter : sure!
harryjpotter : that sounds lovely!

ronaldwsl : it's settled then
ronaldwsl : of course, I have to ask them first
ronaldwsl : but I doubt someone will refuse

harryjpotter : alright then, Ron
harryjpotter : so, did you find someone new?

ronaldwsl : I may have.

harryjpotter : who is she?

ronaldwsl : Natalie MacDonald
ronaldwsl : I don't know
ronaldwsl : we just clicked

harryjpotter : she's four years younger than you

ronaldwsl : so what?
ronaldwsl : she's honestly a great person

harryjpotter : well, we shall meet her then

ronaldwsl : but I don't want to hurt Hermione

harryjpotter : I'm pretty sure she'll be fine
harryjpotter : well, we can hope she will be

ronaldwsl : I'll think about it.

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