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          Harry was now walking to his detention as he saw Griffin and Beckett walking side by side, talking. They didn't seem to notice the obviously taller male though, so he just listened to what they are saying.

          ,,Look, Langlois, I don't hate you. I just can't accept that you don't want to be friends with me." Beckett said while a sigh escaped his lips.
,,The first thing you did was insult my hair, Charriot! Of course I won't like you!"
,,I said 'nice hair' in what way is that an insult?"
,,The tone you said it in was unpleasant." The smaller boy huffed and looked away from Beckett.

          Oh that reminded him of himself and a certain blonde haired Slytherin so much. The boys have noticed Harry and they both looked at him.
,,Good evening, Mr. Potter." They both said in unison and Harry nodded at them.
,,Where might you two be headed to?"
,,The dungeons."
,,Ah, going to the common room?"
,,Yes, Mr. Potter."
,,Call me Harry." Harry smiled and the boys nodded.
,,I'm Griffin Langlois." The brown haired, dark skinned boy said.
,,I'm Beckett Charriot." The blonde haired, light skinned boy introduced himself as well.

          ,,Would it be funny if I said I know you both?"
,,Well, you did protect Griffin a while ago. . ."
,,Thank you for that, Harry!"
,,You're welcome. Now come. I'll escort you to your rooms. Even if there are no dangers, it's almost past bedtime. Let's not get Slytherin into trouble for being out of bed past bed time, yes?"
The two boys eagerly nodded and let Harry take them to their room. He didn't know that they shared one with Jay Clover as well.

          As he was getting back to actually go to his detention, he was met with the prefect. The prefect he's punched into the face just a few days ago. Lucien only looked at him, up and down, scoffed and took off. He didn't even say a word to him. It's not like Harry was sad about it, no. Maybe a little.

          Lucien however felt sad. Like, really sad. He missed Allen and Harry. He usually sat alone at lunch, or Stephanie joined him. He didn't appreciate her presence though. He actually hated it. But he knew he couldn't end it with her.

          Harry on his way back met professor Slughorn who he wished a good night to and finally, he was standing ahead of the herbology classroom, which was outside of the school, with the garden around it. An impatient Neville was pacing sround it.

          ,,Good evening, Neville." Harry said and Neville looked at him with a smile.
,,Hi, Harry. You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago."
,,Sorry about that. I escorted two first years into their room."
,,Oh, I didn't know you were a prefect?"
,,I am not, I simply decided to." Harry said and Neville sighed.
,,Okay. So, I need you to go to the library and grab me the following books, I've written them on a quilt."

          Harry took the paper roll and rolled it open.

          Basic plants And Their Use - by P. Evans

          Reflesscias and Their Functions - by M. Bishop

          Poisonous Gold - All You Need to Know About it - by K. Kimberley

          Medical Plants Collection - by K. Holland

          One wouldn't say it, but Neville had an outstanding hand-writing. Soon, Harry was apparating to the library as he was far too tired to walk. He was met with a reading Luna. He completely forgot that she became the librarian. The library was the exact same as before, the only difference was that Hermione wasn't in it.

          ,,Good evening Harry. I have been expecting you." Luna said and smiled at the raven haired boy. She put down the book she has been reading and looked at Harry, now her full attention being on him.

          ,,So what exactly do we have here?" She smiled as she held up the list. She smiled excitedly as she skipped to the biology section of the library. There they were. All 4 books. Harry hadn't expected it to be so easy.
,,I'm assuming these aren't for you?" Luna asked.
,,Neville." Harry said, stuffing the books inside of his echanted backpack. It used to be Hermione's, but she no longer found a use for it.

          ,,Say hi to Neville please. I've not seen him for such an abnormally long time." Luna sighed. Harry nodded and was quick to apparate back to Neville.
The man seemed pleased with Harry being so quick.

          ,,Luna says hi." Neville laughed. ,,What's so funny, mate?"
,,I saw her, just this morning." Neville smiled. ,,But that's just Luna, isn't it?"
,,It really is." Harry smiled.

        ,,Did you know that there's a plant that's used to make a drug that zombifies people?" Harry looked at Neville.
,,Really?" Neville nodded. ,,I don't know much about the plant, but I do know a lot about the drug from Draco. He was the one to get it out of Hermione and Ron's system, after all."

        ,,Wait, Ron and Hermione do drugs? No way. I refuse to believe that."
,,Harry, it's obvious. They were drugged-"
,,Harry! Harry! Come quick! Your mom just sent an owl, said she's just gave birth to your little brother." Draco yelled out for Harry.
,,Can I go, Neville? Please." Harry was desperate to see his mom.
,,Absolutely. Go. You've been a great help."

        But Neville never really got an answer. Harry was quick to apparate with Draco and there he saw them. He ran to the room and saw his mother holding a light blue blanket, with a tiny, very tiny baby boy inside of it.
And then there was Severus, smiling like a mad man.

        The baby had wonderful eyes. Severus's shape but Lily's colour. Harry felt selfish but he wanted a child as well. He wanted a child so badly. Every child that he's seen just made him feel a lot worse than anything that happened to him last year.

        ,,Can I. . Can I hold him?" Harry asked and Lily nodded, handing him his step brother. The boy curiously looked at Harry.
,,What's his name?"
,,Brian Severus Snape." Lily said.
,,Brian?" Draco asked, confused.
,,After Dumbledore, of course." Severus said as a matter-of-fact.

        ,,Welcome to the world, Brian Severus Snape, my brother." The baby smiled at Harry and Draco couldn't help himself but imagine Harry like that, with their own child.

        Maybe one day.

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