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          ,,When Leonore died, her soul latched itself on my scarf. A part of mine did too. It was so weird to have a horcrux instead of being one. The reason a horcrux has been created was because I was afraid I might die. I knew I had to destroy it. I knew I wouldn't die if I destroy the scarf because I never actually died of kedavra. I actually knew about it ever since I was locked up for the first time. I just had to get my hands on it. I took another month to recover completely."

          ,,I lived off of forest's fruit and drank water from a bloody waterfall. Honestly the scariest part was the running from the death eaters. They were everywhere. I was attacked a few times. But that was while I was trying to find my scarf. I started in the place I apparated to. It wasn't there. I then made my way to Hogwarts." Draco's eyes widened.

          ,,Yes, I was here. It took me almost 3 moths to come here because of my pass outs. I've noticed myself getting sicker and sicker everyday, but I knew I had to continue. I found it in Draco's office but I knew if I took it, he'd turn the school upside down. So I stalked Draco in my invisibility cloak that I managed to find one night in the room of requirements."

          ,,That reminds me of sixth year." Draco said a deep chuckle escaping his throat and Harry smiled.
,,Well you didn't cry yourself to sleep while mourning my death, did you?"
,,Harry, don't say things like that." Remus said.
,,I wouldn't if I weren't the reason he didn't freeze to death."

          ,,What?!" Sirius asked, looking at Draco.
,,One night, Draco went completely manic, slipped out of this bed just in pyjamas and started making potions at 2 am. One of them was a freezing potion. I convinced him it was just a dream while I covered him in my invisibility cloak, took him here and made him sleep."

          ,,Harry, you complete idiot!" Draco yelled at him, which he regretted immediately as he saw the boy shake in fear.
,,Oh no no no. Harry I didn't mean to yell at you.. I just missed you so much. I'm sorry love." Draco's voice was far too calming for Harry to start having a panic attack. Draco was glad he saved the situation and went back to making Teddy jump up and down on his leg as if the boy was riding a horse.

          ,,When Draco left the scarf on my tombstone, I knew it was my time to shine. However I had to defeat five death eaters first before I even got the scarf into my hands. Once I used a certain kind of magic on it, I felt a part of me die but I knew that Leonore was dead. That's all it took for me to fall on my knees and get into the last fight. I fought off the last twenty death eaters to exist."

          ,,That's why the broken ribs, I almost got my bum kicked but magic saved me. However I was just a few hours before passing out. I knew I had to act quick. I made my way to Hogwarts. And well, then I only remember passing out once I came to the entrance."

          Draco has felt more respect for Harry than he felt for his own father. That man is immune to Avada Kedavra. Survived a miscarriage, torture, his parents' death, two wars. He was eighteen. Harry was the master of the Elder Wand and a posesser of the Invisibility cloak. He posessed two different kinds of ancient powers. Blood and Sun magic. Harry was now the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world.

          Draco couldn't believe that this boy, man - was his.
,,Harry I have something you've left here." Draco said, as he handed Harry The Elder Wand. Harry smiled.
,,You're basically invincible with this." Sirius said, amused.
,,Harry I'm so proud of you." Remus smiled.

          ,,So Harry, would you like to return to Hogwarts once you're fit for school again?"
,,Why are you even asking?" Harry and Draco chuckled.
,,I truly have no idea." Harry smiled at Draco's response.

          ,,I'll get Minevra to come here." Sirius said and Remus went with him. Now it was just Draco, Harry and the little curious child.
,,You know, you can hold him. Just for a while and no word to Remus or Sirius."
,,Yes, sir. Hand me my brother."

          Harry looked at Teddy with such adoration. His parent instincts were kicking in, hard. He would protect Teddy with his life. He wanted Teddy to have a better life than he did.

          Minevra soon came inside of the rroom where she saw Draco and Harry both playing with Teddy. She smiled at the sight.
,,It's good to see you, Potter."
,,Right back at you, professor."
,,Oh please, call me Minevra." She smiled and took Teddy in her arms. The little boy was so calm in her motherly arms.

          ,,As soon as you may, I'd like to inform you that you're enrolled again. I'm expecting less trouble from you as Weasley or Granger aren't here." She smiled but Harry chuckled.
,,I'll try my best, Minevra."
,,I hope so. Here." She handed Teddy back to Draco.
,,I have heasmistress things to do. I'll see you in school, Potter."
,,Thank you, Minevra."
,,No Potter, thank you. You've saved the wizarding world far too many times."

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