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allengunner : you won't believe what Lucien and I did
allengunner : we went on a walk
allengunner : we then sat in grass and talked
allengunner : we've made out

harryjpotter : so you're together?

allengunner : no
allengunner : I don't think we are
allengunner : but he is currently sleeping in my lap
allengunner : and we snuggled last night

harryjpotter : bet you two are adorable
harryjpotter : see?
harryjpotter : he's warming up to you Allen
harryjpotter : if I didn't have a room in here I'd be your roommate
harryjpotter : actually I am
harryjpotter : but I just sleep here

allengunner : I know
allengunner : It would be awesome!

harryjpotter : tell Lucien we're going for the lunch tomorrow
harryjpotter : I will sleep in our dorm too
harryjpotter : tell him to dress nicely
harryjpotter : Germany's restaurants tend to be fancy

allengunner : we're going to Germany?

harryjpotter : Draco chose it as a peace offering
harryjpotter : that's where you're both from, isn't it?

allengunner : it is, yes

harryjpotter : well, see you tomorrow Allen

allengunner : see you, Harry

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