∆ 31 - 2nd part ∆

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          Hermione and Ron were separated the whole time they were in Draco's new apartment. They didn't even bother talking to each other and everyone kind of noticed yet have not said anything.

          ,,Hermione, Ron, you told us you have an announcement to make. Am I right?" Harry said quite loudly and they both nodded and looked at each other, unsure. Hermione sighed.

          ,,So, we've kind of just decided to break up." Ron said and everyone in the room stopped talking. It was like everyone just got hit by a brick. The couple that everyone was hoping would get married has just hit them with these news.

          ,,But why?" Harry asked as he sat near his best friends. They both still had the promise rings Ron has got them on their fingers. Ron sighed and looked at Hermione who seemed quite devasted just thinking about the fact that she's lost a man who she truly loved.

          ,,Ron has someone else." Hermione swallowed. Everyone in the room, even Ron's parents shot him a look. Quite a nasty one.
,,Let me rephrase that. He likes someone else. He's not cheated on me. He sat down one night, and simply told me he does not feel the same anymore. I understand. We've been spending less and less time together and I felt the same as him. So we've broken up, but decided to keep the promise of not leaving eachother."

          ,,As long as you two are happy, that's all that matters." Neville said but Luna, with her soft angelic voice spoke as well.
,,Friendship sometimes, is more than a relationship. You two would know." Luna smiled at them. A sweet, innocent smile.

          Hermione then smiled at Ron and he smiled at her as well. There still was chemistry between them. Just not the same as it used to be before. Maybe they just truly weren't meant for each other.

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