∆ 30 - 1st part ∆

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          Sirius, Remus, Teddy, Farah and Atrox were seated on a sofa, talking about such topics as the newest wands mate out of a reflective trees or the new Nimbus models. They acted as teenagers but that's what they needed. Teddy was crawling on the sofa like the curious little boy he is, and Sirius made sure to occasionally pass him a glance to ensure that the boy won't fall down off of the dark coloured leather sofa.

          Luna, Atlas, Neville and Seamus were catching up on everything that's happened over the last few months. All about Luna and Farah moving in together, Luna's father and then the fact that Luna is just a week away from becoming Hogwarts's librarian as Madame Pince left after the fight.

          Severus, Lily, Horace and Minevra were talking to Harry. Harry was now listening to the story of when the word finally got out properly that Lily Evans is in fact, alive. The daily Prophet made a big deal out of it. Harry also had to hear more about Dumbledore's death as Severus loved to speak of his best friend.

          Harry also heard about what the ministry has done after they learned that Lily Evans is back alive. Harry wasn't pleased one bit about this. They tried to kill off his mother. If Harry didn't know better, he'd be walking to the ministry right now, his both wands in his hands and he'd kill anyone that would decide to cross his path.

          One might be weirded out by this, but Ginny, Stephanie and Lucien were talking while Allen and Amanda discussed something in private. Ginny liked the fact that Lucien seemed so casual at flirting with Stephanie and after a while, she's left them alone and went to Amanda and Allen.

          Amanda and Allen were both staring at Lucien and Stephanie smiling and laughing at each other, with somewhat disgusted expressions on their face. Well, Amanda's face showed disgust yet Allen's was an expression of sorrow. He seemed lost for a moment and when he saw Stephanie and Lucien make out, his heart shattered. Amanda scoffed and downed a shot of Merlin-knows-what.

          Narcissa and Lucius were talking to their son. Lucius still seemed a little uncomfortable with the fact that his son is a fairy, but decided to not say anything about it. Narcissa however was proud of Draco for getting an apartment in such an expensive city, a big one too.

          She was also proud that her son was able to finish his medical school while still studying at Hogwarts and that he's still continuing the studies on medicine. Muggles find out new things every day so it was quite important to keep updated on what's going on. But what she was the proudest of, was the fact that Draco no longer seemed to fear his father. Yes, he respected him, but didn't seem a tiny bit terrified.

          Lucius truly did seem like a changed man. He spoke different, he dressed different, he treated Narcissa differently. Draco only cared for his mother's happiness and comfort as he didn't want to see her unhappy ever again. And even if Draco wouldn't ever admit it, his changed father seemed to start growing on him. He's missed this version of his father. Happy. Full of life. Clean.

          Theodore and George were talking about something while Hermione talked to Ginny and Ron joined Harry's side. George's gaze was roaming the brunette woman standing next to his sister. Theodore had to push him a little to get him out of the trance. Was he really into his brother's girlfriend?

          Rubeus said he'd come but Fang apparently broke his leg so he stood home and was now probably singing lullabies to the dark furred animal. Rubeus wasn't the one to come to big parties anyway. But maybe his loved one would change that. Olympe was a classy woman, she would definitely find a way to make Rubeus a classy man.

          Molly and Arthur were now the ones talking to Narcissa and Lucius. The men weren't the ones to speak as Lucius's pride stood in the way. Weasleys still were betrayers and he wouldn't let anyone change his opinion on this fact. However Narcissa already got a glass of wine for both herself and Molly and the duo was talking the night away.

          Draco soon collected his fiance and they tapped their glasses of champagne so they could have everyone's attention. Just as they were about to speak a rushed Oliver Wood with his boyfriend, Nelson, came inside of the apartment yelling that he's sorry about being late.

          ,,Everyone, thank you for coming to our apartment. It's my first big investment and I'm quite proud of myself for being able to get it. But if George could, why wouldn't I be able to, am I right?" Draco chuckled and so did George.
Lucius was surprised. Was Draco friends with the traitor family?

          Lucius decided it would probably be the best to cut such grudges. If Narcissa has been able to, he will as well. Or he'll at least try. In fact, Lucius and Narcissa separated and when his eyes landed on the woman he loves, he found her, once again, speaking to Molly Weasley.

          Arthur Weasley was speaking to his son, George, both smiling like idiots and Lucius must've admitted that he felt a little jealous that he hadn't had such a relationship with his own son. He could only wish.

          Draco proceeded to continue his speech.
,,Harry, love. Why don't you say a few words as well?" Draco smiled as he looked at the raven haired boy with adoration. Harry shyly smiled at his lover but when he noticed all eyes were on him, expecting him to speak, he cleared his throat.

          ,,I'm glad Draco decided that we should live together. It's definitely a big step, but after being separated for a year, we've decided it's only the best for us to spend all of our free time with eachother. I appreciate you all coming here. Whether you're Draco's friends, co-workers or my friends and teachers, or parents... I appreciate every one of you coming here." Harry nodded to signal he's done and everyone cheered for his little speech.

          Lily and Harry took a moment to catch up on everything. Lily let Harry rub the belly that held his step-sibling and the boy may have shed a tear. Draco soon came near Harry and placed his hands on the boy's waist and protectively held it there for the whole night actually.

          Severus was no different with Lily. He always either had hands on her stomach, around her waist or just genuinelly touched her. Whether it was her wrist or shoulders, it made no difference. He held her with love.
,,So, Severus, you're Harry's step father now, am I right?" Draco laughed and Harry made a terrified expression.
,,I actually have not thought of that." Severus admitted and Harry chuckled.
,,As long as I don't have to call you my father I'll be fine." Harry said with humorous intent yet Severus's serious nature acted up.

          ,,Harry I'd never even dream of having the title of your father. Your father is James Potter and that's how it will stay. However I will be a parental figure to you as much as Lupin or Black are. If you wish for me to be, of course."
,,As much as I hated you, I can't say I wouldn't like a fatherly figure in my life. Especially someone who's protected me all along." Harry smiled and Severus's corners of mouth shifted a little as well.

          When Lucius walked past them and started speaking to Arthur Weasley in quite a friendly way, it would be an understatement to say that they all were shocked. Draco though felt proud of his father, who had to swallow all of his pride just to speak to Weasleys on his own. Narcissa soon joined them in the conversation of Severus's and Lily's baby.

          She herself had quite exciting news. Not exactly a baby of her own, but she's talked Lucius into an adoption of a little one. Draco has never felt so proud of his father like he did this evening. Lucius used to be all about "his won blood" but that seems to be gone. Narcissa, who's gotten the hang of muggle devices has showed the group a couple of pictures of a blonde haired boy who's a pure blood and has been left at the doorstep of an old lady.

          ,,We've decided to name him Orion Lucius Malfoy. As you, Draco, have disowned the name Lucius, the child might appreciate it. I'm not blaming you dear, I really am not. I'm just saying that the child will probably do better with the name than you did." Narcissa smiled and Draco nodded, getting what his mother meant by that.

          Harry however was beyond confused and wanted an explanation. Needless to say he hasn't not gotten one.

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