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          His eyes were closed but he could hear faint voices, he didn't recognize any of them, probably because they were muffled, but he was determined to find out who it is.

          He tried opening his lids but he couldn't. They were far too heavy. However someone seemed to notice he's awake and came to his bed. He felt their presence.

          ,,Harry, can you hear me?" His voice was familiar, however Harry couldn't put his finger on who it might me.

          ,,If you hear me, please squeeze my hand." The person intervened their hands together, their hand felt warm and kind of sweaty but Harry squeezed it.

          ,,Can you open your eyes?"
Harry took a moment and finally was met with a room that was far too bright.

          A blonde haired man that was dressed in a white doctor's coat immediately went to close all the curtains in the room. Harry didn't see his face because when he looked at the man, he was walking towards the curtains.

          When the man turned back to Harry, Harry's eyes filled with tears. There he was. His fiance. With a new scar on his cheek but that wasn't bothering Harry.

          ,,D-Dray." Harry choked out. His throat was completely dry. Draco smiled at the boy and gave him a plastic cup filled with water.

          ,,Welcome back, my love."

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