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          ,,So Allen, how do you like this restaurant so far?" Draco asked, making small talk. He didn't necessarily want to speak to Lucien.
,,It's beautiful. Berlin sure looks better than it did in the 40's."
,,How would you know?" Harry asked, biting into his steak.
,,My father, Daniel has told me a lot about the second world war. Showed me a lot of pictures."

         A waitress came, holding four beers. She placed them onto the table quite carefully. Lucien smiled at her and she did as well. Allen did not appreciate this.
,,Dankeshön." Thank you. Lucien spoke in his mother's tongue quite nicely. Better than English, one might say.

         ,,So Lucien, what do you plan to do after school?" Harry asked.
,,I enjoy movies, so maybe a movie maker. Or a journalist. I definitely want to do a "muggle" profession. I'm a muggle born after all."

         Draco smirked. ,,What about you, Allen?" Allen raised his head, pushing his glasses so they wouldn't fall from his nose.
,,I enjoy writing, you see. I want to become a poet. Move into France and live there. I'm currently learning the language and all."
,,Draco could teach you." Harry said and Draco nodded.
,,I'm fluent." Draco bragged a little. Everyone at Hogwarts was used to it by now and Lucien scoffed. Draco chose to ignore it.

         ,,I'd appreciate that!" Allen smiled and Draco nodded.
,,We can start whenever. I help Harry with potions every Tuesday and Thursday, you may tag along if you wish. While Harry will be doing his potions, I'll helo you with French."
,,Sounds fantastic!"

          ,,You're over energetic Allen." Lucien said, looking at the curly haired man.
,,Sorry." Allen said, hanging his head low once again.
,,And you're an asshole, Lucien." Draco said.
,,Draco!" Harry looked at him, upset.
,,At least I didn't have my parents pay for everything I've ever achieved."
,,Lucien!" Allen looked at him in shock.
,,As if you ever achieved something. At least my mother didn't hurt her knees sucking dicks. We had enough finance to live." Draco casually replied.
,,At least I didn't date someone for their name."
,,At least I'm not going against someone who's saved me when I tried to commit suicide." Draco took that too far. But he was only saying the truth.

         Lucien once overdosed on painkillers and once tried to hang himself. Both times, it was Draco who saved him. Lucien never appreciated any of it. In Draco's psychiatric eyes, the blonde haired git was far too much of a narcissist to be grateful for anything.

         However, Draco didn't blame him. Narcissism was a mental illness. Just like any other.

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