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          When Hermione, Ron, Hagrid and Theodore came inside of the office painted in a grey colour, Draco made them all sit down.
They all looked nervous, they didn't know what's happening.

          ,,Theodore I'll get to you first. Finally, after a year, I've realized what killed Dean..." He sighed.

          ,,While I was plugging someone on an IV today, I realised that Madame Pomfrey has probably put clear water into an IV instead of using hydration IV's. I was about to do it as well but then I realized it would kill him. She must have not realized it. Clear water in an IV is no good. It slowly killed Dean off. It wasn't the spell. It really wasn't." Draco rubbed his forehead.

          ,,I'm sorry I didn't realize it when Dean was loosing the battle. If I realized, I would've informed Poppy about it."

          Theodore didn't seem upset with Draco.

          ,,It's fine, what's done's done. I must go on." Theodore said, sadness evident in his voice.

          ,,Theo you may go. This other thing I'm about to say, I don't think it would be important to you."

          ,,Nah, I'm staying. If it's important to you, I might as well stay."

          ,,Harry's alive." That's all Draco had to say to see four mouths open at the same time. Quite a pleasant sight.

          ,,What? Where is he? How? You're lying!" Hermione said and stood up but Hagrid made her sit down.

          ,,I'm not. He's resting. I can't let anyone see him for now. He's been in a surgery for 8 hours."

          ,,Well, is he okay?"

          ,,He is on 3 vitamins, 2 antibiotics and on nutrition IV."

          ,,Okay but he's going to be fine, right?"

          ,,Yes. He's doing really well."

          ,,So he was the passed out person on the main entrance?" Hagrid asked and Draco nodded.

           ,,What do you mean passed out?" Ron asked looking from Hagrid back to Draco.

          ,,I found him passed out and took him here immediately. He broke two ribs, had a concussion but nothing extra bad, he was scarred from head to toe and half of his face is burnt. I believe Severus will perform a spell to remove that burn, but it may leave a scar. Of course, I've noticed his cheek is infected but during surgery we've noticed he has another kind of an infection, caused by giving birth or miscarriage. I don't know what to do, guys.. If he didn't cheat on me, he probably lost our baby.." Draco cried again.

          He just couldn't help but feel like he failed. As a boyfriend but also as a father. Harry was good at hiding things but he should've noticed it when Harry kept saying he's tired even if it was 2 pm. He should've noticed that the pass outs weren't just because of his PTSD. He should've realized when Poppy basically told him there's something that Harry might not want anyone to know.

          ,,Hey Draco, when Harry wakes up, you should talk to him about it."

          ,,When he wakes up I'll be happy he woke up."

          ,,You said he's fine though?"

          ,,I've almost lost him." Draco exhaled very sharply. ,,Two times."

          ,,What the fuck Draco?!" Hermione asked, upset.

          ,,He has PTSD. Anesthesia isn't a good combination with it. But I can't leave him to be in 8 hours of unbearable pain."

          ,,I have to go back to work." Ron sighed. ,,We have a divorce court in thirty minutes and I need to get ready. See you at home Hermione?"

          ,,Of course, honey." Hermione smiled. Ron kissed her cheek and just like that, he was gone.

          Hagrid and Theodore stood up.
,,I have a baby unicorn at home so we should get going as well, shouldn't we?"

          ,,Yeah. Update us on his situation, Draco."

          ,,I will, bye you two." Theodore and Hagrid walked out of the door and accidentally shut it too hard, waking some patients up.

          ,,Hermione, mind fixing a cup of tea for us while I check on the patients? I'm assuming yourself staying."

          ,,Of course I'm staying. And yes, I'll make us some. However, the kettle is in your office and I don't want to wake Harry up."

          ,,No worries. I've made sure to place a silencing charm all around the room."

          ,,Of course you did." Hermione chuckled.

          ,,Please don't touch him, he isn't supposed to wake up until tomorrow."

          ,,Okay, Draco." Hermione then went to get the kettle, filled it up with water and waited.

          Draco was checking his patients.
A fourth year Hufflepuff, her name was Sophia Maria Antoinette. She was a muggle born but she was the cutest girl Draco's ever seen. She was too kind for her own good though. Usually the girls bullied her when she didn't do their homeworks. It didn't get physical until now. She was soundly asleep, Draco only checked her temperature and went onto another patient.

This boy's name was Beckett Charriot and Draco knew him very well. He was the school's trouble-maker with his friend Jay Clover. They would usually pick fights with Griffin Langlois. Once Draco saw one of their fights, it reminded him of himself and Harry. That's when it clicked. Beckett must like Griffin. For first years, they were pretty active when it came to classes. Draco definitely doesn't remember himself being that energetic about herbology or potions.

When Draco looked, no one seemed to be awake or in pain, so he just made his way back to where Hermione has already been waiting for him, two tea cups set on a table and she was scrolling through her phone.

          ,,So how's you and Ron?"

          ,,Oh my Merlin, let me tell you everything."

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