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          Harry proudly went onto the stage. Students and staff cheered. Lily was sitting next to Draco, who sat next to George, who sat next to Hermione, who sat next to Ron. Much to Harry's surprise, Hermione held both of the Weasley's hands and Harry felt a pang in his heart. It should have been three.

          Harry cleared his throat.

          ,,So, you all know who I am, to those who don't. Hi! My name's Harry James Potter." Harry smiled at everyone. He spoke with enthusiasm. ,,My years at Hogwarts were extremely beautiful. It was a sort of safe place for me. I've made some wonderful friends throughout the years. My best friends, Ron and Hermione. I'm thanking them for my life honestly." Harry chuckled. ,,I've fought off Voldemort more than once and have killed him in my 7th year, but that would not be possible without you all. Surviving another battle with Leonore Riddle has been tiring and exhausting. It has caused me to be without my loved one, my friends and generally, all the people I loved. I've made some brilliant friends this year and I'll never forget you all. I must admit, I wasn't as much trouble as I used to be before but I hope that if I have childrenx they'll fill in the gaps I made while lacking on trouble making." He looked at the headmistress, Severus and Slughorn. Then he looked at Seamus, Neville and Hagrid. Professor Nosferatos and Farah received Harry's glance as well as Sirius and Remus.

          ,,I wish professor Dumbledore was here as well, he was the one who didn't leave me to die parentless. I'd like to thank all of the teachers, staff and headmistress McGonagall for teaching me everything they knew. For teaching me how to become a great wizard. For making me feel like I belong somewhere for once. I know I was not exactly the best at potions or transfiguration, but I tried." Harry heard Severus laugh and that made anyone talking shut up.

          ,,Hogwarts truly is a wonderful school and I'm glad I could have been a student here. It was truly a magical experience and if it was possible I wouldn't hesitate to go for another year. To all the students here, I wish to say a huge thank you. After the war, the house rivarly between Slytherin and Gryffindor has reduced and I'm happy for that. We've survived two wars, people. Two wars together! Can you believe that? I honestly can't." Harry smiled. ,,I understand that many were lost in the battles, but I believe we've gotten revenge and made sure no one faded away in vain." His heart hurt.



          Krum's sister.


          ,,I love you guys. And I believe all of us are great wizards. Thank you for your time." Harry said and stepped down from the podium as he received the diploma from McGonagall. Thankfully, he was the last one to deliver his speech. They specifically asked for it.

          When Harry hugged all of his friends and his mom, he finally went to hug Draco but Draco had other plans. He shot down on one knee, groaned because he got down far too quickly and hurt his knee but Harry chuckling made him smile again.

          ,,Harry James Potter. I know you've been my fiance already, but I never got you a ring. And after the year, maybe you have changed your mind about marrying me, a Malfoy. So as much as I wished to leave it be and hoped you still felt the same I couldn't bring myself to go without any confirmation. Will you do me the honor, make me the happiest man that's ever stepped a foot into the wizarding world and become my husband?"

          By the time Draco ended his little speech, Harry was already a crying mess. Well, when wasn't he a mess?

          ,,Stand up, Malfoy." Harry said and Draco's eyes began watering. He was hoping Harry wouldn't reject him. He stood up sheepishly but as soon as he did, he found himself on the ground again as Harry jumped onto him.

          ,,Yes. Yes I'll marry you. Absolutely." Harry smiled and the two found their way to each other's lips. It was nothing like before. This was the first time they felt how truly strong their love is.

          ,,I believe that a wedding plan is going to be in order, isn't it?" Ron asked and everyone chuckled.

          This was it. Harry was going to become a Malfoy.

end of book 3


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