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          ,,Students, there is an announcement I'd like to make." Minevra said, as she stood up. Every student stopped eating and looked at her. She smiled at everyone.

          ,,There is a new student who needs to be sorted. However many of you already know him. He's also not exactly new. Please, do come." She said as the door to the great hall opened.

          When everyone saw who it is, whispers and shouts were heard, from both students and teachers that weren't aware of Harry's return. One special ginger haired girl ran towards him and he had to do a lot to catch her. She was sobbing and Harry held her so tight she choked after a while.

          ,,I missed you, Ginny." Harry smiled and ruffled her hair. She chuckled into her chest but he hissed.
,,I missed you too, Harry! Lord Merlin! Where have you been?"
,,We may talk later, there's a Sorting Hat awaiting for me."
,,Wait are you being re-sorted?"
,,I'm not sure. I felt like Gryffindor wasn't the best house for me anymore. Things happened."

          He sat down onto the chair and Neville placed the hat onto his head.
,,A lot of courage. Parseltongue. Very smart. Has saved many lives. A good seeker. Rule breaker. Cares about people's opinions. Where to put you, Potter? You've done well in Gryffindor yet maybe you came back to take my offer and be sorted into...."


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