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          Teddy was playing with Brian's tiny hands. Harry has taken the duty of babysitting on this beautiful Saturday morning, while Draco said he had some business at Hogwarts and said he'll return later, which Harry didn't really bother to question. He had his own two step-brothers to take care of.

          Speaking of stepbrothers, Harry couldn't quite process the fact that he had a family now. Sirius and Remus, who still both held the title of being Harry's dads. Severus, who Harry will not possibly call a father ever because he already has three of those, was nicer to him now. His mother, who was as beautiful and lively as if she didn't spend seventeen years being dead. Teddy and Brian were a nice companion and seemed to be great to have as step brothers. At least Harry can practice for when he has his own children. But the fact that he punched his step-brother, Lucien, into the face twice was pretty bad and was bothering Harry a lot.

          There was a soft knock on the door which lead to Harry being surprised. He wasn't expecting any visitors today and as far as he knew, Draco did neither. He stood up, wand in hand just in case, and went to the door. The lock clicked and there stood a crying blonde male, head down in shame and Harry couldn't help but sigh.

          ,,Come in, Lucien."
,,Thank you, Harry." Lucien mumbled and came inside of the flat.
Lucien then noticed the two infants on the sofa and a soft smile appeared on his his face. Technically speaking, there were four step-brothers inside of this room at the same time.

          ,,I'm going to cut to the chase here. Stephanie Westouth is forcing me to be with her because she saw me and Atrox Almadi make out."
,,I'm sorry, say that again?" Harry said in shock.
,,Harry you have to help me. Almadi is a crazed maniac, he fucking tried to rape me while I was doing my prefect duties last night. Stephanie threatened to use the cruciatus on me if I even try to leave her."

          Lucien was staring at Harry as if his life depended on him.
And just maybe it did.
,,Lucien why haven't you said that sooner?"
,,Would you have believed me?"
,,I would!"
,,Just. . . Please. Help me." Lucien seemed desperate.
He didn't just seem, he was, extremely desperate.

          ,,I feel like I'm obliged to help you, being step-brothers and all." Harry said truthfully.
,,Please don't. I don't want you to do this because we're technically family."
,,So what do you want me to do?"
,,I need to tell professor Aittítos. They're dating and I feel like if I don't tell the tale, he'll do this to more students. And will end up hurting professor in the process."
,,I don't follow."
,,Come with me.. Because after I tell professor, I'm telling Allen."

        Just then the door barges open, with a furious Draco and a blonde man who's the spitting image of Draco come inside of our flat.
,,What's he doing here?" Draco asks, meaning Lucien.
,,He's come to apologize. Who's that?"
,,Introduce yourself. I'm getting out of these damned clothes."

        ,,My name is Virgo Malfoy. I am.. Draco's brother." Virgo smirks as soon as Harry's eyes go wide. That was unexpected.
,,Why have I never heard of you before? DRACO! Why didn't you tell me you have a brother?" Draco presented himself inside of the living room, shirtless.
,,If I had known, I would've." Draco said, gritting his teeth.
,,Carrington, leave. Harry will text you later. Get up, Harry, take the kids. We're seeing my parents. Now."

        Lucien wasted no time in getting out of the flat, while Harry prepared the little ones. They couldn't possibly aparrate with two infants so they used the floo and soon enough found themselves in the living room of the new Malfoy Manor.
Lucius and Narcissa looked up from their books and both of their eyes widened.

        First of all, Potter had two kids that were the spitting image of him.

        Second of all, Virgo was back.

        ,,I demand a very good explanation." Draco said, furious.
,,Actually I don't. Virgo has already told me. You've disowned him just because he's a squib? Just because he doesn't know how to use magic?"
,,I-It's not like that." Narcissa mumbled.
,,Cissa. Don't lie to him. It's true. And that was me. I was the one to decide that. If you're going to blame someone, blame me." Lucius said, protecting the woman he wishes to remarry.

        ,,You disgust me." Draco said.
,,Draco." Harry warned.
,,No Harry, they deserve to hear this. You knew how lonely I was in here. How desperate I was to play with other kids. I didn't want to play with rich, snobby kids but you didn't want me playing with mudbloods. " Draco spat the word into his father's face.
,,You, father, are a disgusting, vile person and you're lucky you have my mom-"
,,Draco that's enough-"
,,Shut up, Harry! If it weren't for my mom, Lucius. . . You'd rot inside of Azkaban. And maybe, just maybe, that's the better route for someone with such a rotten soul like you have."

        ,,Draco that's enough." Narcissa said and stood up.
,,Even if you disowned his name, he's still your father."
,,No, he's my bully. My worst fucking nightmare." Draco said and aparrated himself Merlin knows where.
Virgo's face was smug and Narcissa looked heartbroken.
,,Harry, are these-"
,,They're my step brothers." Harry said and soon enough, without any permission, has used their fireplace to get away from his parents in law.

        Virgo said no words, he only turned his back to his parents and his last words spoken to them, before he left were :
,,I would say I missed you. I'm on the verge of crying. But Malfoys don't cry."

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