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lilyev : Draco
lilyev : I've talked to Farah
lilyev : I, Severus and she would like to meet you anytime you two are free
lilyev : preferably on Saturday

dracomalfoy : of course, Miss Evans

lilyev : oh, dear
lilyev : you're my son in law
lilyev : cut the formal talk

dracomalfoy : oh, if you say so
dracomalfoy : it's weird calling you Lily

lilyev : get used to it, Draco
lilyev : my son loves you and I must admit
lilyev : I'm growing on you as well
lilyev : so it's perfectly fine, actually necessary
lilyev : to be on first names basis

dracomalfoy : thank you
dracomalfoy : you're really nice to me

lilyev : I've no reason to not
lilyev : so try not to give me one

dracomalfoy : I'll try my best

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