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          ,,Good morning, Dray." Harry whispered as he placed a nicely cooked breakfast, consisting of pancakes, strawberries and two nicely cut apples, on the table that was placed in their new bedroom.
,,Morning, love." Draco whispered as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

          ,,Eat up. We have an hour to get ready. I hate the fact that we're still having sex ed. It's my first class today, too." Harry rolled his eyes.
,,You talk too much for it being 6 in the morning, love." Draco said, stuffing his face with the heaven on the plate.

          Soon, the couple said their hi's to George and Hermione, who spent the night together and now were both getting ready for school. Draco suggested they should all grab a cup of coffee and both George and Hermione were quite fond of the idea.

          They walked to a coffee shop named Rosamonde's coffee bean. It was looking quite vintage. Draco already knew it better than his hair. He walked in, greeted the woman working there, asked for 4 usuals and the group sat down.

          ,,So you two.." Harry looked at Hermione and George expecting Merlin knows what.
,,No, Harry! Lord. I've just broken up with Ron. I'm not looking for a relationship right now." George smiled at the brunette woman.
,,I wouldn't do that to Ronald." George said and Draco nodded.

          4 coffee cups were placed in front of them by a very beautiful woman. Her hair were braided, she wore clothing fitting her body shape and her skin colour and she had beautiful brown irises.
,,Thanks, Rosa." Draco said politely and the woman nodded.
,,No problem darling, it's on me. Enjoy your coffee!"

          Soon, they were walking out of the coffee shop. George and Hermione went their way while Harry and Draco went back to their flat so they could apparate.

          The Hogwarts gates greeted them with open arms and Harry took Draco's hand and walked in like it was the first time. For some reason he had a pit in his stomach. Like something happened.

          His worry only became true when he saw a crying Allen waiting for him in the great hall, sitting completely alone with Lucien not even in sight. Harry sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

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