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          After everyone was lazy to go to Hogsmeade, the plan was changed. Minevra has decided that she will let them be in the Slytherin common room. Harry was more than excited about it. It felt almost right to be there with everyone else. Such a nostalgic feeling.

          Lucien and Allen were sitting nearest to the fireplace, talking quietly to each other. Lucien had a poet's soul and mind honestly. Allen was mesmerized by the man and no wonder, Lucien was a handsome bloke.

          Oliver and Nelson joined to talk to Blaise and Ron were already pouring Fire whiskey for themselves. The two seemed to be chatting as if Zabini never pointed his wand at Ron and the other way around. Blaise seemed far too interested into Ron and George nudged Hermione when Blaise started getting too close to his brother. Nelson and Oliver whispered about it to each other as well.

          Hermione just chuckled. She wasn't mad at Ron or Zabini at all. It was unexpected, sure, but definitely not something that would surprise her. Any relationship Ron's had hasn't worked out. Wonder why. And to think he was the one to have a fight with Harry about being gay. . .Ah, good times.

          Atlas and Luna were sitting near Amanda and Ginny. Atlas was now more emotional than before. He and Luna has a fight because Atlas got far too cynical when Luna's dad died. Atlas then realized he doesn't want to encounter a mad Luna Lovegood ever again.

          Seamus, Neville and Harry were chatting the night away. Seamus was still his arrogant self, honestly, how was he not placed in Slytherin? Harry will never know. Neville was being his Hufflepuff cute-self and just held Seamus's waist protectively the whole time Seamus and Harry talked, not really interested into talking at the very moment.

          Draco, Pansy and Theodore were being themselves. Both with their arrogant remarks about how the 1st and 2nd years could be annoying, how the 4th years snogged in the halls without a care in the world etcetera. Draco was honestly just standing there, listening. He missed Pansy and her very gay self. And he missed seeing Theodore happy.

          ,,Okay guys, everyone. Let's play truth or dare!" Pansy said.
,,What are we, eleven Pansy?" Draco snorted.
,,You sure do act like it, Malfoy." Said Lucien.
,,Carrington shut your mouth, will you?" Draco laughed and so did Lucien.
Harry and Allen shared a look and both shrugged.

          ,,Okay lesbians and gays, and straights." Pansy started. ,,Let's sit in a circle and let's do this." Pansy smirked. This brought some unfortunate memories to Draco. Pansy really does get crazy when playing truth or dare.

          Everyone sat in a huge circle when veritaserum shots appeared in front of them. Pansy took it and so did everyone else.

          ,,So since I've came up with the idea, it's only fair I get to first. Also, we're not playing a clean version, Longbottom." Pansy remarked and Neville nodded. ,,Draco. Truth or dare."
,,I'm not letting you give me a dare. Truth."
,,Have you ever willingly cheated on Harry?"
,,Never." Draco said without hesitation. Needless to say, Harry was pleased with the answer.

          ,,Carrington. Truth or dare." Draco smirked.
,,Dare. I'm not a pussy like you." Lucien remarked.
,,We'll see about that. Go inside of the girl's dormitories and yell that you're gay."
,,You'll get us kicked out, Draco." Hermione remarked.
,,At least it's a good dare." Draco shot a glance at the other blonde, who stood up.
,,You're actually going to do it?" Ron asked with a laugh.
,,Yeah, sure why not." Lucien chuckled as well and left the room.

          Everyone in the room laughed uncontrollably when they heard a very loud "I'm gay!" being yelled out while girls shouted at Lucien to "get the fuck out of here". When Lucien got back, the game continued.

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