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stephwestouth : guys!
stephwestouth : you won't believe what Lucien did today!

ginnywsl : what'd he do?

stephwestouth : we went on a date, but you know that already!
stephwestouth : he paid for our dinner
stephwestouth : took me shopping
stephwestouth : then we walked around muggle London together
stephwestouth : a lot of muggles looked at us but we paid them no mind!

ginnywsl : I think Lucien is a bad influence on you

stephwestouth : how could you say that!

ginnywsl : you never used to say the word muggle
ginnywsl : even claimed you hate it

stephwestouth : it's not like I'm saying mudbloods

ginnywsl : Stephanie!

stephwestouth : can't you just be supportive for once?

amafourglass : that's enough, Stephanie

stephwestouth : who are you to tell me when's what enough!
stephwestouth : I'm finally happy and here you are
stephwestouth : telling me my boyfriend isn't good enough for me!

amafourglass : when you come to your senses we maybe will talk about this

ginnywsl : I don't like Lucien, one bit

stephwestouth : well that's not really my problem, is it?

amafourglass : okay that's really enough

stephwestouth : fuck you both!
stephwestouth : friends my bottom!
stephwestouth : unsupportive friends aren't friends!

amafourglass : when he breaks your heart, don't come crying to us

stephwestouth : he wouldn't! we love each other.

ginnywsl : just fuck off, will you?
read by stephwestouth and amafourglass

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