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seamusf : so, are you still down for them stories?

harryjpotter : yeah, I and Draco have nothing better to do anyway

seamusf : say hi to him
seamusf : anyway
seamusf : there was this third year who went to Hogsmeade, brought a bunch of sweets and brought them to me just so I'd give them house points
seamusf : it was a Slytherin girl but I do not remember her name

harryjpotter : did you give the house points?

seamusf : of course I did
seamusf : 5 points just like that
seamusf : safe to say, the Slytherin was upset with me

harryjpotter : Draco chuckled and said "that's such a Slytherin thing to do"

seamusf : it sure is
seamusf : then there's this Hufflepuff boy
seamusf : a first year I believe
seamusf : he constantly bakes for me
seamusf : he gets three points everytime
seamusf : but I will not forget the first time he came to me
seamusf : he was honestly adorable

harryjpotter : didn't you say you aren't a pedophile?

seamusf : you're a sick fuck, Harry

harryjpotter : oh shut up Seamus

seamusf : anyway he came to me
seamusf : a pack of completely burnt cookies in hand
seamusf : and in the tiniest voice possible
seamusf : he said : 'mr. Finnigan I've made these for you but it's my first time baking so I've messed up a little'
seamusf : he got two points that time for trying

harryjpotter : did you eat the cookies?

seamusf : as a guy who used to blow everything up
seamusf : I felt so much sympathy for the little guy I took a bite

harryjpotter : was it any good?

seamusf : would be better if they didn't taste like charcoal

harryjpotter : oh my Merlin
harryjpotter : the kids really care about the house cup, eh?

seamusf : the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs care the most
seamusf : then there are Ravenclaws who care as well
seamusf : but they preffer to spend their time studying instead of trying to pay they way to get some house points

harryjpotter : what about the Gryffindors?

seamusf : well, let's say they, we, stayed the same
seamusf : biggest trouble makers
seamusf : there's this little boy constantly out of bed past bed time
seamusf : I've honestly given up on him
seamusf : he never listens anyway

harryjpotter : any more stories ?

seamusf : yes, the same boy who spends the nights wandering the halls came to me one day
seamusf : he grabbed my pants and kind of tucked on them to get my attention
seamusf : I look down at him and he's almost crying
seamusf : he says "mr. Finnigan, please don't take off anymore house points from us Gryffindors"
seamusf : and I say "but you're breaking the school rules. I've got to"
seamusf : and he says "it's that I can't sleep at night. it's the nightmares."

harryjpotter : who is this boy?

seamusf : oh I wouldn't know
seamusf : don't really remember the names anymore

harryjpotter : please ask him if he's out of bed again

seamusf : what's it to you anyway?

harryjpotter : idk
harryjpotter : guess I just wanna see for myself

seamusf : if you do, then do it
seamusf : you very well know I won't punish you for being out of bed past bed time hours

harryjpotter : thanks Seamus

seamusf : no word of this to anyone

harryjpotter : got it mate

seamusf : honestly as creative as the kids are
seamusf : nothing will beat this one Ravenclaw
seamusf : she came to me with a book in her hands
seamusf : and challenged me I won't know more than her
seamusf : you guys know me, I don't turn down a good challenge
seamusf : we made a bet
seamusf : if she wins, 30 points to Ravenclaw
seamusf : if she looses she'll give me 20 galleons
seamusf : I had nothing to loose
seamusf : long story short, she was extremely happy to announce to her friends that she won 30 points

harryjpotter : those Ravenclaws only get smarter and smarter

seamusf : that, they do
seamusf : anyway I've got to go

harryjpotter : okay Seamus, night

seamusf : night Potter
seamusf : enjoy your detention

harryjpotter : shove off

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