∆ 41 - 2nd part ∆

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          Narcissa and James were partnered up in Potions class. Farah was with Severus. Lily was with Farah. Sirius was with Remus. Leonore was with Tom Riddle. Pettigrew was working alone, as Lucius refused to work with him. The class was quite quiet, except for Sirius and Remus constantly fighting about the potion.

          Slughorn didn't seem pleased at all when Sirius made a flower crown out of the plant and flower ingredients required in the potion and placed it on Lily's head. Actually Sirius received detention to which his answer had been 'are you Sirius right now?' which resulted in Remus slapping the back of his head.

          Leonore turned to Sirius and sent a little paper butterfly his way, asking if he liked Lily. Sirius, as much as he wanted to say the truth, that he doesn't like Lily and is madly in love with his potions partner, he decided to see what Leonore was up to. He sent the butterfly back, claiming, that he does in fact like Lily.

          He watched a devilish smirk display on the dark haired girl's face as she sent the butterfly back, saying, she'll help him get Lily if he helps her get James. When Sirius glanced at James and saw the way Narcissa looked at him, he knew had to refuse. He knew, yet didn't do so.

          Sirius regrets it to this day. He's learned that Leonore is a wicked woman just by reading the message. But Narcissa didn't know that. Neither does she know what was written in the message. Still to this day, she hasn't asked. The next thing she knew, Leonore called out to her.

          ,,Hey, Black!" Leonore smirked and before Sirius could even react, she sent a fireball at Narcissa. Narcissa, being a smart and collected girl even back then quickly dodged the spell and Slughorn only looked in shock. He grabbed the girl and escorted her to Dumbledore's office.

          Lucius came to James and Narcissa's desk and asked her if she's okay, to what she replied yes and he only nodded awkwardly and moved back to his desk. James only spared a glance at Narcissa, mumbled a quick question of 'are you truly fine?' and then went back to working on the potion when he got a positive answer.

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