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ginnywsl : so, have you heard?

amafourglass : heard what?

stephwestouth : you mean the thing with Griffin, Beckett, Jay and Potter ?

ginnywsl : yes

amafourglass : care to explain?

ginnywsl : Griffin was apparently walking to class and Beckett and Jay were as well
ginnywsl : and they tried to bully him
ginnywsl : again
ginnywsl : and then Harry came and slapped the back of their heads with notebooks

stephwestouth : honestly it was really funny
stephwestouth : I've seen it
stephwestouth : Potter made quite the scene lecturing Beckett while the two guys he's talking to just stood there
stephwestouth : honestly the blonde one is quite hot, I must admit

amafourglass : it's nice of Potter that he protected Griffin
amafourglass : that boy has cried himself to sleep so many times from what his roommates say

ginnywsl : the best part was when Beckett said that his father will hear about it and Harry just said
ginnywsl : 'go on, tell your dad. I'd like a word with him about you bullying others'
ginnywsl : then Beckett realized who he's talking to because Jay whispered it into his ear, I'm guessing
ginnywsl : the look on Beckett's face was priceless

amafourglass : they'll be doing this shit for 7 next years

stephwestouth : bet

ginnywsl : so Stephanie

stephwestouth : what's up

ginnywsl : developing a crush on Harry's friend?

stephwestouth : don't be ridiculous
stephwestouth : I don't even know him
stephwestouth : plus he's older than me

ginnywsl : by one year

amafourglass : yeah
amafourglass : there are couples that are 20 years apart and happy

stephwestouth : he probably has a girlfriend already

ginnywsl : maybe
ginnywsl : but it doesn't hurt to try

amafourglass : if he hurts you
amafourglass : he's a dead man

stephwestouth : thanks, Ama

amafourglass : always Steph, always

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