~Izuku~ Swimming And Secrets

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Deku, come on!" I said, pulling myself up slightly. He looked at me, then to the water. The boys had invited me to the pool, well, more like dragged me to it.
"Isn't it cold?" He asked, and I shook my head.
"Nope, it's perfect!" Sero said, chasing Denki around the pool. He slowly made his way over, looking unsure.
"Oh c'mon get in!" I said, throwing myself up and yanking him in. He yelped, going under for a second before breaking the surface. His hair was soaked now, over his face before he shook it away.
"(Y-y/n)! You said it wasn't cold!" He squeaked, curling into himself. I giggled, rubbing his arms to warm him up.
"You'll get used to it, I promise." I said, gigging. Soon enough he did, and we roughhoused with the boys. As we did, catastrophe ensued. Before I could tackle Kirishima, somehow my top managed to come off. It disappeared, and after my brain processed, I covered myself.
"Woah!" Kirishima said, guarding me with his back. I looked around, not seeing it.
"Alright, who the hell took my top?!" I growled, and Deku came to my rescue. He wrapped his arms around me, covering me completely.
"Whoever took it, give it back!" Kirishima asked, coming around to my backside. A loud childish giggle from Mineta let us all know, and I saw Bakugou rise from the corner of the pool.
"You heard him, give back, pipsqueak." He growled, now towering over the perv. He squealed, getting literally kicked out of the pool room by Bakugou. Bakugou came back with my top, tossing it to Kirishima.
"Thank you, Bakugou." I said, now curled up against Deku. I rested my head on his shoulder, face red.
"I'm gonna kill the pervert one of these days." He grumbled to himself, and Kirishima gave me my top.
"Thanks for covering me, you two." I said, and he nodded.
"It was nothing." Kirishima said, and he went back to the others. They had just turned the other way, and were standing between us and the door in case Mineta returned. I pulled away from Deku, and noticed his expression.
"You're silent." I said, letting him tie my suit behind my back.
"He had no right or reason to do such a thing to you. It was inappropriate, and a violation of your privacy." He said, voice more calm than his pissed expression. His hands fumbled furiously with the tie. I stopped him, doing it myself.
"Hey. So you want to go back to your room?" I asked, lifting his head by his chin. He just stared for a second, then nodded. We said goodnight to everyone, and I thanked the boys again. We made it back, and he went to the bathroom. I sighed, drying my dripping hair some. I headed the water running, and made a decision. After running by my room, I grabbed my clothes, and went back in. I locked his door, then opened the door. Steam rolled out of the shower, enveloping the room in warmth. I opened the curtain, seeing a very bare Izuku.
"Can I join you?" I asked, and he jolted.
"Woah, (Y/n)!.... U-um... I guess?" He replied, face red. I giggled, taking off my suit before getting in. He just stood there, speechless.
"Okay, pretty boy. There's no need to stare." I said, and he jolted.
"Yeah, right. Sorry." He said, going back to washing his hair.
"It's okay, I understand. I see that you worked hard to harness that quirk of yours." I said, and he jolted in surprise.
"How did you-?" He asked, and I cut him off.
"No other person I the world has that same power, besides the Symbol of Peace. That, and he had to tell me when he ran out of time." I said, and he calmed down.
"So you know?" He asked, and I nodded.
"I promised I wouldn't tell another soul. No one knows, Izuku." I said, and he nodded. He suddenly hugged me, letting out a sigh.
"It feels good to know that I have the person I trust the most to talk to." He said, and I smiled. I giggled, and we were nose to nose when he pulled back. His cheeks flared red again, realizing that his naked body was against mine.
"It's okay, Izuku. No need to be embarrassed." I told him, arms snaking around him. He smiled, and my heart melted.
"I'm just gonna say this now..... I'm in love with you." He blurted, and I laughed. I pulled him completely to me, calming to a giggle.
"I love you too." I said, and he closed the gap. At first the kiss was soft, new, and loving. But after a moment, it became increasingly needy. My legs moved on their own, and soon I had him pressed against the shower wall. Needless to say, it was a very long shower.

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