Chapter Twenty

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"I can see it! I can see it!" Hyunjin bounced up and down, shouting and waving his arms in the air. The guards that guarded Master Sang Hyun's home would for sure now be on their guard.

"Sit down!" Seungmin grabbed Hyunjin's sleeve and pulled him down to sit down next to him. "And shut up!"

Minho glanced at them from where he was riding Cho and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. When Han Jisung had asked if he had gotten any letters from his cousin, he suddenly realized that he had not. Now he was stressed. Lee Yong-jae was not to be trusted no matter what. It was a good thing that his older brothers were there. He would send a letter to Min-hyung later.

"Prince Lee!" Kim Namjoon came riding over, falling in step with the young prince. "Have you been given your second letter from your brother yet?"

Minho reached to his neck and grasped the pendant that hung there, from his brothers. "I have not."

Kim Namjoon nodded. "You will receive it when we reach Master Sang Hyun's residence. There are only five letters, Your Highness. This one is a turning point."

Minho glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and chuckled. "Turning point? Leave it to my brother..." he groaned and shook his head once more.

Prince Han Jisung trotted over, walking next to the captain. "Why do we even need to see this old master?" he muttered. "What is so important that only he can tell us?"

Captain Namjoon shook his head. "You will most likely find out tomorrow, Your Highness."

Jisung snorted, but said no more. Instead, he sent a glance over to Minho, before looking away with a light pink covering his cheeks. Captain Namjoon glanced between them and shook his head with a small smile on his face. "Ah... young love..."


"Welcome Their Highnesses, Prince Han Jisung of the Han Kingdom and Prince Lee Minho of the Lee Kingdom!"

An old man that looked about Adviser Bae's age wobbled out of his giant home to greet the two princes. He bowed deeply to each of them in turn, before smiling at the two of them with broken, yellow teeth. "It is great that you are finally here, Princes! We are hosting a dinner tonight. It would be our honor to serve you tonight!"

"We will be sure to be there, Master Sang Hyun. However, it is time that our men take a rest. It has been a long journey here, and I have a letter to write. Would you mind showing our men to their rooms?"

"Of course, of course!" Adviser Sang Hyun ushered his servants forward. "Princes, your rooms are right next to each other. If you need anything, the servant quarters are right by yours!"

"Thank you, Master. We will see you at dinner."

Quickly escaping the awkward conversations that would occur later, Minho grabbed onto Bang Chan's sleeve and pulled him along, followed by Prince Jisung and his men.

"Wha-? Prince! Wait!" Bang Chan managed to squeeze himself out of Minho's grasp. "What is it?"

"I need to send Yongbok a letter. You know we can't trust him alone with just Yong-jae."

"Why don't you send a letter to your brothers?"

Minho froze for a second, before nodding. "I'll send one to Min-hyung. Ji-hoon hyung won't help me and I don't really want to talk to my oldest brother."

"I'll send one to Yongbok, why don't you send that letter to Min-hyung?"


"I'll meet you back here for dinner? I'll bring Hyunjin and Seung-min as well."

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