Chapter Twenty Seven

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(AN: Sorry to bother you guys. I keep accidentally publishing the chapters ahead of the one I'm supposed to publish. If you saw Chapter Twenty Nine update, ignore that. This is the right update. Sorry again!)

Crown Prince Han Jisung stared up at the huge wooden walls in front of him. The cheers of his people were like screams in his ear now, so loud it was like they were calling for him.

Master Seo turned to him with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jisung replied. He glanced at his robes, gold with red embroidering. "Never thought I'd see the day... I'm getting married for the first time..."

Changbin sniffed. "Don't be so sentimental, prince. You can finally become King now that you have fulfilled your duty by getting married. And may I add that your cousin will bring an heir into the world soon, so you have nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worried about that," Jisung muttered, as the doors began to creak open. "Let's talk later."

The cheering crowd got even louder as the doors opened and then found their Crown Prince standing in their shadows. He sighed and straightened his back. It was time.

"All bow for His Majesty, Crown Prince Han Jisung!"

The roaring crowd fell into a bow and yelled their support as Han Jisung strode forward slowly, his hanbok flowing behind him. He kept his eyes straight ahead of him, his face expressionless. Ahead of him, atop a long set of stairs, stood priests, ready to marry him to the other prince.

He slid over the ground, nearing the stairs. He glanced up, before stepping onto the first step.

And then the next.

And then the next.

Before long, he stood in front of the priests who stared down at him. He turned back to face the door, now shut again for Prince Minho's arrival.

He looked down to find Master Seo and Princess Jeongyeon staring up at him with smiles on their faces.

On the other side... was that? Jisung blinked. Prince Jihoon and Min-hyung stood, their sister at their side. But there was another old man, who looked strangely familiar...

King Lee Minhyuk? He was here too?

"All bow for His Highness, Crown Prince Lee Minho!"

The doors opened once again, and revealed Prince Minho, his silky black hair shining in the sunlight.

The crowd cheered, but far less than they had for Jisung. Minho didn't seem to notice or care, he strode quickly down the walkway and up to the stairs.

His siblings watched on.

Jisung glanced at Changbin, who nodded. He stepped down from his place and walked down to Minho, extending a hand.

Minho took it.

Their hands clasped together, they climbed the stairs once more. Jisung winced as he felt Minho's hands, calloused after hours of riding Cho, and hours more of battle training and writing.

Jisung's own hands had gone soft recently.

They reached the top of the mounted stairs and stood before the priests together.

"Gather here and witness the binding of two souls for life!" they called out together, raising a golden cup into the air. "They tie together to support the wine of life!"

Jisung and Minho turned to face each other.

Minho stared down at Jisung's face, while Jisung stared at his chest. Long, white silk lengths were wrapped around their wrists and then around the golden cup full of red wine.

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