Chapter 21

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"Ill do it." Kiya said breaking the silence in the quiet hospital room which was filled with Riley, Bean, Rell, Dooda, Dez, K3, and a injured Reese.

Once they got to the hospital they had to place Reese in the Emergency Room. He had to get a immediate surgery if not he would have lost his life. He was 5 seconds away from meeting his death. He was shot in the chest with the bullet being 6 cm away from his heart. Luckily Reese was a fighter because this could have turned out way differently. But he was stuck in a mini coma for the moment.

"Do what?" Bean asked so he could get clarification.

"Ill set Pookie up." She said lowly.

"It took you for Reese to almost lose his life for you to make up your mind." Dez said. For some reason Dez always tried to pick a argument with Kiya. He found it very pleasing some would say. Kiya just sucked her teeth and sunk down into the seat she was choosing not to say anything as she felt K3 burn a whole in the side of her head.

"You sure you wanna do this Ky youn gotta do nothing?" Rell asked. Kiya was terrified but she looked at him and nodded her head. No longer trying to keep his patience K3 stood to his feet and grabbed Kiya's arm before leading them both into the hallway of the hospital room.

"Kiya fuck is you doing bruh?" Kamari asked her staring a whole in her soul causing her to avoid eye contact.

"Trying to help." She said lowly. Kamari applauded her for trying to help them but he didn't want her to get hurt. In his eyes she was too innocent for this and this would be a demon she would be stuck with knowing she set up a man to be killed. He didn't want her to be like him.

"Kiy-" "are you okay?" Kiya asked cutting him off trying to change the subject because she didn't wanna talk about it anymore.

"Don't do that." He told her mugging her. K3 hated a lot of things and being cut off was one of them.

"Are you okay?" She asked again.

"Im straight." He said even though he was terrified on the inside but no one would ever know that. His childhood friend was close to dying and he knew if he lose Reese he probably wouldn't even know how to cope. But he would of dealt with it on his own like he did everything else.

"You straight?" He asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't i be?" She asked.

"Somebody was shot in front of you sometimes that fuck people up." He said in a duh tone.

"Its not the first time." She mumbled to herself but he heard her and chose to bring it back up another time.

"Im finna bring you home." He said.

"I don't wanna go home." She frowned.

"Where you wanna go?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"To your house." She answered.

"Im not gone be there." He told her looking at her trying to see if she was serious.

"But i feel safer at your house." She said which was true. She didn't know what it was about his house but she felt more comfort and safer there especially when he was there as well.

"Aight." He said going back in the hospital room.

"Yall ima be back im finna drop her off." He told them and they nodded their heads before going back to doing what they were doing before he came in.

"Come on." He told Kiya.

"Why couldn't i just stay here?" She asked.

"Because we finna go do sum that you don't need to be involved in." He said as they got on the elevator.

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