Camellia Blooms - FOURTY

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I think people were place in a box with tags on them, whether it's a tag for social status, education or relationships, I think people have tags on them.

Do we only belong into one box?

Should one's tag in life be a reminder on their life, that they have limitations and this is the only thing they can do.

Why do I think I don't belong in neither of those?

I sense it, I don't belong here.

I don't belong- stop.


I immediately hung up and prayed inside my head that he won't notice my call but alas, fate has mock me.

"Why did you call?"

"It' a-accident" I said with an obvious slur in my tone.

"Are you drunk?"

Shit, he must have notice it. I thought that I would still be sober but I forgot that I haven't been drinking for so long.

I was a heavy drinker in the past, trying to drown my sorrows and pain with the help of alcohol.

"No" I immediately replied and I could honestly imagine him shaking his head with a gentle smile plastered on his face.

"Where are you?"

Fine, I can't call father now, it's already midnight and I'm afraid that- no, I already changed.

It won't happen again.

" street near 7-11...mmm...okay, thank you"

Fifteen minutes later, I already saw his car and I waved at him. He was wearing a trenchcoat and he also put a coat on my body.

"It's already midnight, you'll get a cold" he said, I don't know if I was just mistaken but I felt like his ears were red to the tips.

"Mmm...I have t-to get my...friend... Mei Ling...yeah" I said as I feel more drowsy, he was quick on his feet and before I knew it, we were inside of his car.

"Thank you, Yuu"

"It's fine"

As the night settles, I glance at the moon and felt like it was too big. Huh, I must be dreaming, but I pinched my self and I felt pain.

Really, what a relief.


"Here, drink this"

I felt a splitting headache and drown the medicine in my mother's hands. I must look like shit but it doesn't matter, I have to go to my job.

Dang it.

"Suffer, after drinking too much, you must suffer now" my mother mercilessly said and I can't help but agree to her.

That's right, I've been suffering for so long, a little headache doesn't amount to what I've experienced before.

I immediately went to shower and ate some porridge after that, I race towards the train and thankfully, was able to get a seat.

I arrived to the company with a still buzzing head and a slight headache but I'll get through it.

Just don't let me see that brat Ru Wu-

"Good morning Callia!"


"A not so good morning to you too, Ru Wu Jie"

"Woah! What happened to you? Woke up in the wrong side of the bed?" He teased and I wasn't really in the mood so I punched his stomach.

As I left him, I could hear the whispers of everyone but I ignored it. I am not in the mood right now people!

Happy 12k reads people! Thank you for the votes too!


Thank you!

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