Camellia Blooms - SIXTY

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When I'm with him, I feel like I'm falling too deeply.

It's like a stone has been sent to make ripples on my heart making my senses awared of his being.

I'm not sure when it all started, all I knew is that I'm fine falling for him.

I think it's been a long road to the past me who was still afraid of falling in love to the me who is clearly falling for him without regret.

It's been a long time since I've loved him, I think.

Ah- but what a pain- I need to wake up.



Two weeks from now will be the most anticipated day for Alice. Yes, she's getting married and she's making me feel anxious too.

"Are you sure the table cloths are blue? Is the venue- wait no, have you arranged the venue yet? Well I- yes you can sorry" she's been talking nonstop to the wedding coordinator.

I think she's too nervous, well, who wouldn't be? It'll be her first wedding with her first love. She wants her wedding to be as perfect as possible.

"Alice, geez calm down!" I said as she placed her phone down the table.

"Sorry, I was just...yep, I'm calming down now" she said meekly but I can still see her hand continuously tapping on the table.

Calming down, yeah right.

"I went to Yuu's parents"

I have no choice but to spill the beans or else I might buy some pills for her to stop panicking.

"What?! How is it? Are you two getting married too?!"

"Whoa! Slow down, I'm not getting married" I was blushing just by thinking about it.

"Yet" she said with a teasing smile while I awkwardly continue my story.

"Anyways, they're both wonderful and...I think I've passed?" I said with a slight grinning my face as she pounce me with her body.

"Well, what about your parents? I doubt Uncle Xu would be willing to give his lovely daughter to someone even if he knew that guy"

We both giggled at the same time, my father would certainly give a hard time for Yuu, I might have to earn him. Then we continued to chat about her wedding, my fate with Yuu and our future.


"My parents wants to meet you"

There was silence before he burrowed his face on my neck making me smile. He must have imagine the pressure he would have.

"That's need to experience what I've experienced on my visit to your parents too!"

He bit my neck making me laugh at his antics before knocking his head allowing me to get away from his body.

We're currently in his own house chilling on his couch watching TV. It's been a few days since I've seen him due to his work from the hospital.

Thankfully, there wasn't too much things to do on my work and his so we decided to chill on his own.

"Callia, my head is bruised" he said with a pout while I cocked my eyebrow at his obvious plan.

"You're the doctor, you treat it"

He continued to pout and before I knew it, he was giving me his puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but snicker at his actions before leaning on his head to take a look at his 'wound'.

Before I knew it, I was held by my waist and without further ado, got my lips taken by him.

Our breaths mingled together as the time progresses. The aircon seemed to be failing because I'm feeling too hot and sweaty.

His hands on my waist were burning my skin though it's not painful, it just made my body feel too hot. His lips were soft as I've imagined, tounge glinding over the insides of mine as he tangled his tounge with mine.

Before I lose my breath, he broke our lips with a sliver of silver string making my head numb. His hands were now on my heated face as he gently kissed my forehead.

My stomach was turning all over, I felt like there's too many bugs on it as I squirmed at his embrace.

"Be good" his voice was rough and his eyes were dark and full of...some emotion I knew.

" rouge" I gasp as he kissed my lips again making me tumble on my seat and falling outside the couch and making contact with the floor.

"Pfft... sorry I shouldn't laugh...hahaha"


You shouldn't have laughed!

"You beast!"

The I pounced on him and pulled his hair again while biting his arm. We were wrestling, literally wrestling as I tried to punch his stomach.


What a pair.



It's my sincere request of you since I can only do this to her since we're quarantined and to those who will comment, thank you so so much!!!

Hi people! Thanks for all the comments and the votes! Love ya!!!

Whatcha think about the kissing scene? Hahaha sorry if it's not too detailed or anything, never been kissed 😂😂😅😅


Thank you!

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